No Game No Life season 2 release date, a possible date confirmed
When is No Game No Life season 2 comming out? In this post, we project the No Game No Life season 2 release date accoeding to available runors.
No game no life is an exciting animation film produced by Madhouse studio, it is the played out of a novel written by Yu Kamiya and premiered in 2014.
This is an all time animation series that is highly awaited by many with so many whims ever since the last time season 1 was released the producers went mute. Nothing had been heard from them about the possibility of the second season.
No game no life season 1has 12 episodes, first aired in April 2014 on AT-X, later on two Japanese Network BS11 and Tokyo MX televised it.
No game No life season 1 was also licensed by Crunchyroll to feature it in North America TV shop.
Admirers are expectant and enthusiastic, so much hopeful about the release of the second season of this unprecedented cartoon movie which in reality had got the interest of the viewers.
Why? You know better than me, right?
This is so because this movie is very much interesting and engrossing. Moreover, it was a best-seller for the producers; no game no life season one was reported to have generated ¥ 700 for them.
And this is also another reason fans have rose eye brows over the reason why they are delaying the release of a new one.
All over the world today, every fan of no game no life had already tightened their seat belt, ready to watch the next season.
Just like you!
Before I go further I hope you have watch the season 1 of no game no life?
In case you have not watched it, let me quickly give you a hint of what happened in the season one of this cartoon series.
Update of No Game No Life Season one:
Table of Contents
No game no life movie followed the story line of the 6th book, of the light book series. A book comprising up to 25 volumes thus, it may results to up to ten seasons when the book volume is finally completed meaning the fans would have so much to watch.
Featuring two step siblings who were the leading characters; Sora an eighteen year old boy and Shiro eleven years old who are have a mastery of games. They had been triumphant for years and popularly known for their extraordinary gaming skills. The duo has quite a brand name called Blank.
At some point in their gaming profession, these two siblings got an invitation from Tet a God who rules a world that is a hub of games, to have a contest on chess game.
It was a pretty thrilling invite for them. Of course who wouldn’t have been happy at such an offer from a prominent personality?
Siro and Shiro taught it will be wise they accept the invite. For sure they did.
They went on for the chess competition dauntlessly in hope of confronting the invincible opponent Tet.
You know what?
Siro and Shiro incredibly won the competition.
On their triumph Tet, decided to surprise them by giving them the opportunity to go to a world known as Disboard.
Disboard is a violence free place, where clashes are resolved by play-offs. This, thus, prevented violence and injustice in the community.
In a bit to maintain their reputation and ego; the duet after much deliberation finally decided to move over to this world.
“Since the invite is all about games its fine by us” they thought to themselves. Nonetheless duo had in mind of overthrowing the god with their supernatural skills.
Sora and Shiro must game with 16 different species before they will game with Tet; that is if they defeat these 16 creatures. These siblings went through the Disboard in search of a good opponent to compete with. On reaching Elkia the human society, they heard information that the final winner would become Disboard next leader. They won the game without much adore and targets to defeat almost all the participating opponents thereby having the opportunity to challenge Ted to a fight.
But did they actually achieve their plan of beating the god?
Their fate we do not know yet, because season one ended almost at a climax, what I called a sea cliff.
No Game No Life season 2 rumors
Rumor has it that the madhouse does not always release the sequel of their movies, could this be the case? But contrary to this gossip the producers of no game no life have released the continuation of an animee Overlord season 2, 3 and 4. Therefore, with this, there is hope that they would definitely produce season two that everyone so much want to view.
Conversely, an unofficial source has it that the writer of the novel Yu Kamiya had apparently said that “he is taking much time to figure out a perfect ending for the light novel”. That’s why; there is much delay in the release of the season two.
In addition, another resource has it that the 4 chapters of the light novel that supposed to be filmed are ready. Consequently there are no enough materials for TV adaptation; for there are lots of demand and expenses to make, Madhouse is taking their time to meet up with the necessary requirements.
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No Game No Life season 2 release date
Everyone is so much anticipating the return of this film including my humble self. Insiders have confirmed the releases of the season two. However, we are still waiting for the official declaration of the release day. But, I’m glad to tell you this, Madhouse studio has revealed their intention of releasing the new season.
Rumor has it that the producers have started shooting the continuation of season 1 and we are so much elated.
Although, after airing what we taught would have been the follow up; it was actually a disappointment, on seeing it was not the season 2 given that the name was actually misleading.
Yes it was, for it bore a misleading title to; No game o life: Zero.
In the interim, we are expectantly waiting for the release date of season two.
As soon as the date is announced we will keep you posted, be right back to check.
See the plot summary at IMDb.