20 Best Scrubs Episodes after Celebrating 15 Years Anniversary
Scrubs is one TV series that cannot be easily forgotten because of its humorous content and wonderful storyline well interpreted and performed by its brilliant casts. Though it pretty much graced our TV screen from October 2, 2001 up until March 17th, 2010 I can say that there are still some episodes from the TV series which we can simply watch again without getting bored.
We all love a good comedy show and when scrubs made its sunny appearance on our TV screen, we all fell in love with the show owning to the charismatic performance of its protagonist Zach Braff.
A brilliant work created by Bill Lawrence that pretty much gave lots of viewers something to really talk about. It is still that show that had a strong hold on our emotions and that is really saying something.
The series which follows the lives of employees at the fictional Sacred Heart Hospital which later became a Teaching Hospital and seeing John “J.D” Dorian coming in as a fresh intern played by our star actor Zach Braff.
It focused on the unique point of view of the main character and narrator John Michael “J. D” Dorian (Zach Braff) all through the eight seasons but made a switch in season nine when Lucy Bennett (Kerry Bishe) played the main character and narrator.
Let me get to the main point of this article which is to state the best episodes of scrubs after celebrating 15 years anniversary.
20 Best Scrubs Episodes after Celebrating 15 Years Anniversary
Table of Contents
1. My Screw Up
This episode originally aired on February 24, 2004 on NBC and was the 14th episode of season 3.
It was quite an emotional episode as we saw the sad exit of Ben Sullivan which was played by Ben Fraser. He previously appeared in the season 1 episodes “My Occurrence” and “My Hero”.
The episode was nominated for Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing in a Comedy Series.
There was a lot that went down in this episode from the death of a patient whom Dr Cox angrily blames J.D for and sends him home, to Jack’s birthday party and the sad death of Ben.
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2. My Lunch
In this episode, we saw a whole new side of Dr Cox which we had never seen right from the inception of the series making it one of the best episode of scrubs.
A bright transformation of Dr Cox character from abrasive, brash and hard to deal with to an emotional person which really gave viewers a new feel to the series.
This episode sees the accidental meeting of J.D and Dr Cox in a store to which they run into an annoying suicidal patient Jill Tracy while Carla and Elliott investigates Todd and finds out that he hasn’t slept with anyone in the hospital.
3. My Fallen Idol
This is the 21st episode in season 5 which originally aired on May 2, 2006. It shows a downtrodden Dr Cox has he feels guilty for the deaths of several patients he treated.
Yet again, Dr Cox plays an excellent role here which tells he is a terrific actor. Here, Carla persuades her coworkers to be of help to the despondent Dr Cox but J.D doesn’t partake as he feels scared because he sees Dr Cox as a superhero that was suppose to help him difficult situation.
This episode is one of the best because of the bromance between Dr Cox and J.D.
4. My Occurrence
This is the 22nd episode in season 1 that shows Jordan’s Brother Ben come in medical exam and here we get to see the compassionate side of Dr Cox and J.D is asked to deliver the bad news about Ben’s health.
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5. My Finale: Part 1
This episode originally aired on the 6th of may 2009 and it is the 18th episode of season 8.
It is J.D last day at Sacred Heart but it wasn’t what he really bargained for.
6. My Finale: Part 2
The 19th episode in season 8. We all thought it was the end of the show as J.D continues his last day at Sacred Heart and tries to be in high spirit for a great send-off.
It shows how J.D looks forward to a brighter future and tries to let go of the past but fortunately for scrubs lovers it wasn’t the end of the series.
7. My Old Lady
This episode shows how J.D takes care of an old woman ready to die and how Carla and Elliot take care of an old lady who can’t speak English.
Well, this is one episode scrubs lovers will still like to watch.
8. My Way Home
This is the 7th episode of season 5 and the 100th episode in the series that served as a tribute to the “The Wizard of Oz”.
Quite a wonderful episode that shows Turk in need of a heart from a patient so as to be the first resident doctor to assist in performing an in-house heart transplant while Carla need all the courage to have a child with Turk even if she can’t stand babies and Elliot needs the brain to be able to handle speaking in a medical seminar.
9. My Last Words
The 2nd episode in season 8. As the name implies it is about J.D and Turk hanging out with a dying patient who has no next of kin.
10. My Long Goodbye
The 15th episode in season 6. This episode is all about Jordan having her baby and Dr Cox being secretive about it.
J.D is the only one that knows of the birth and he is obsessed with becoming the baby’s godfather. Laverne gets into a car accident and gets into a coma in which everyone has a hard time dealing with. It was an emotional episode.
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11. My Musical
This is the 6th episode of season 6. This was a fun episode as the cast was thrown into a singing mood turning Sacred Heart into a musical extravaganza and this gave the series a new feel. Elliot determines whether or not J. D moves in with her and Carla determines whether or not to go back to work. 12.My Cake
This is 6th episode of season 4. This is when J.D’s brother Dan comes to inform him that their father died.
Other best episodes
13. My Butterfly
This is 16th episode of season 3 which aired on the 16th of March 2004. In this episode, The Butterfly prompts the question of what could have happened differently while Turk searches for his missing lucky do-rag and Elliot hunts for her patient stuffed toys.
14. My Hero
This is the 23rd episode of season 1 aired on the 14th of May 2002. This episode had to do with Ben diagnosis which was a shocker to the staffs of Sacred Heart Hospital and Dr Cox taking charge of the situation and keeping everyone afloat.
15. My No Good Reason
This is the 14th episode of season 6 which aired on the 15th of March 2007. In this episode, Dr Cox argues with Laverne about whether there is a reason for things happening which gave the TV series a whole new perspective.
16. My Last Chance
This is the 8th episode of season 4 which aired on the 26th of October 2004. J.D makes out with Molly in this
This is the 8th episode of season 4 which aired on the 26th of October 2004. J.D makes out with Molly in this episode at her going away party and gets approval from Elliot to sleep with Molly before she moves away while Dr Cox has to complete community service in an ambulance with a paramedic that is loquacious.
17. Their Story
This is 17th episode of season 6. This episode focuses on the lives of the supporting players at Sacred Heart Hospital. Ted is the narrator in this episode where he juggles fantasy and reality. He meets his son and help Turk preserve his reputation.
18. My Road to Nowhere
This is the 8th episode of season 6 which aired on the 8th of February 2007. This episode saw the Sacred Heart
Crew taking an impromptu road trip as a result of the first ultrasound that needed to be conducted on Kim in whom Turk convinced J.D to go to Tacoma for. Also, Dr Cox and Jordan face concern when Kim’s ultrasound reveals that the unborn child need to have surgery.
19. My Best Moment
This is the 12th episode of season 4 which aired on the 7th of December 2004. In this episode, J.D addresses a bunch of pre-med students about what it’s like to be a doctor but instead, he chooses to discuss his best moments as a doctor.
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20. My Life in Four Cameras
This is the 17th episode of season 4 which aired on the 15th of February 2005. J.D discovers that his latest patient is a comedy writer and he is tipped into a sitcom fantasy which was quite hilarious. Carla and Turk are more worried about the lack of spark in their marital relationship while Dr Cox volunteers to cut down on the hospital budget by $26,000 to avoid Kelso from firing a cafeteria worker.
After celebrating 15 years anniversary, you would think the series would just fizzle out and be one of those TV shows long forgotten but that is not the case as the episodes listed in this article are episodes that has lot of views showing that the series can never die and still lives in our hearts.