20 Best Episodes of the Office To Watch
20 Best Episodes of the Office To Watch – Sometime in May 2013, The Office would be closed up for the very last time. No doubt, it has been a wonderful sojourn so far, for a show that progressed from its own miss, into one of the best-rated sitcoms around. Though the show came with its ups and down, yet, followers of the show cannot deny the fact that it was such a unique show, such that saw Steve Carell rise to the level of a star in comedy, and also profiled the expertise of directors such as Jon Favreau, Joss Whedon, J.J Abrams, and Harold Ramis.
In the light of the above and taking a look at a show that was on air for about nine years with about 200 episodes, I make a list of the best 20 episodes to watch. Not an easy pick you must agree! Let’s get rolling.
20 Best Episodes of the Office To Watch
Table of Contents
1. The Injury ( Season 2 Episode 12)
This episode kick-starts with a bang, probably one of the most humorous calm openings in the existence of the show. Michaels makes a phone call to the office in pains, even as he got his foot burnt right there on his George Foreman grill. This then draws Dwight to quickly move to give an assistance to him right in his vehicle, with him eventually ram into a standing electric pole, throwing up and subsequently proceed onward. Of course, the later part of the episode has Michael featured as very insensitive and selfish. Dwight was then made to move in the other direction ___ exactly opposite. Following the concussion suffered by Dwight as a result of the accident , he then become more homely and responsive to his colleagues in the office. No doubt, this is an exciting character transformation, giving Rainn Wilson the opportunity to display his versatility in acting.
2. Casino Night ( Season 2 Episode 22)
This particular episode stands out become herein, Jim eventually professes his love for Pam to her. Of course, this episodes written by Steve Carell, comes with several bits of inspiration, not less of the inclusion of Kevin’s Police tribute band Scrantonicity. Nevertheless, it eventually boils down to the concluding five minutes as well as Jim’s confession which was filled with tears. And this came with an increased intensity within the final part, wherein Jim draws near to Pam in the office, saying nothing and eventually giving her a kiss. Albeit it was not unknown that the couple would eventually make it, this episode remains an exciting and intriguing episode.
3. Gay Witch Hunt ( Season 3 Episode 1)
This opener of the Season Three, comes with a firm and wonderful progress recorded by the show, in continuation to the striking course-correction made available for the series in Season Two opener. Of course, this Season Three opener remains one of the best seasons of The Office. With Michael became in the know of Oscar being gay, the shamed Michael makes efforts to appease Oscar by organizing a poorly-organized seminar of high sensitivity , in what is said to be one of the most remembered random moments, giving Oscar a kiss on the lips. This is indeed an episode that is gut-battering, with the featuring of frequent character ; Karren Fillippelli, which was played by Rashida Jones.
4. Business School ( Season 3, Episode 16)
No doubt, this episode doesn’t necessarily involve a major happening; neither does it serve as an avenue for character. But then, it is like a summary, as to why The Office remains one of the most outstanding shows on Television. In this episode, Michael makes a journey to Ryan’s business school, for a presentation. With the hope of inspiring students, he instead receive a surprising deal of humiliation and as also termed outdated. Meanwhile, Pam gets a gallery for the purpose of her art, just to discover that neither her colleagues nor Roy, her fiancée had interest in that. The storylines here, smartly bring to bare how the show did excellently well at deriving amusement from ordinarily sardonic sardonic moments. This show exactly stands out in the concluding scene, which records the arrival of Michael at the scanty art show of Pam, and makes known his sincere interest in her painting works, to extent of paying for one. An emotionally low Pam gives him a warm embrace, having felt a serious sense of abandonment. Such a moment, though quiet, really stood out. For thing not to get queasy, a miserably dropped Chunky Bar in Michael’s pocket, reasonable reduces the intensity of the moments.
5. Goodbye Michael (Season 7 Episode 20)
A few folks will concur that Steve Carell did an extraordinary work in harmonizing the lovable as well as the hateful sides of Michael Scott; even though some blame him for the character’s weak disposition. I am of the opinion that the writers of this episode were fully in the know of the great emotional weight that this episode carries. This story happens a day prior to Michael planned departure from Scranton, to live with Holly, his future bride somewhere in Boulder. Of course, the office were never aware that Michael was leaving as the day ended. Michael gives an explanation he told the white lie, just to escape the very emotional farewell that was certain to take place. As you watch this episode, you will understand why Steve Carell ___the writer, earlier said he wasn’t going to come back for the final season of The Office, owing to his character making a proper exit.
6. Dinner Party (Season 4 Season 9)
In the early part of the episode, the show was firm on not probing the dark, lowering depths just as we see in the original British Version. However, “Dinner Party” , can closely be compared with the awkward feeling the Ricky Gervais-Stephen Merchant show. The episode had Pam, Angela, Andy and Jim, attend the dinner of a couple at the residence of Jan and Michael. Even while on edge, just after the happenings of “The Deposition”, Michael and Jane’s beautiful deception disintegrates almost immediately, and the visitors witnessed their heavy breakup.
7. The Job (Season 3 Episode 23)
Following nine seasons , “The Job” stands as one of the funniest and most engaging finales of the seasons ever produced. In this episode, Karen, Jim and Michael traveled to New York , so as to interview for a new corporate work. The assurance of Michael to get the job, spreads, nevertheless, one he gets wind of this, he replaced his girlfriend, who was not told she would be fired. The craziness comes from Dwight becoming the temporary Regional Manager, after trying for three seasons, to get as much power as he can. The highest point of the show comes up when Jim, gets to know to know how Pam had been a steady encouragement for him, all through the time they were together. He then returns to Scranton, asks her out for dinner, while cutting short her talking-head interview.
8. The Dundies (Season 2 Episode 1)
The Office came up with something bigger in “The Dundies”, after a patchy outing in season 1. This episode is concentrated on Michael making preparation to host the yearly office award show ____The Dundies. In that year, he regrettably came to know that the company lacks the capacity to foot the bills for the food and drinks. Things worsened, when in the course of the event, he is required to stand before a dispirited crowd, as well as heckler who would play down on his act.
9. Booze Cruise ( Season 2 Episode 11)
This episode in the second season, actually aired on midday and remains one of the best structured and produced Office episodes, with a feature of a funny but unacceptable demeanor from Michael, as well Jim confidentially informing Michael of his interest in Pam. Of course, Michael would divulge that secret after a short while, leading to an emotional scene.
10. Dwight’s Speech (Season 2 Episode 17)
This is undoubtedly a must-watch episode. Kudos to the writers.
11. The Deposition (Season 4 Episode 8)
When Jan Levinson came up on screen in Season Two as the object of corporate tightass, not many guessed she would become the worst person Michael would have wished for. This episode ___”The Deposition” appears like a psychological combat juts as it comes as comedy, having Jan trying to coerce Michael to give a false testimony against his loved Dunder-Miffin, being included in her flawed termination suit.
12. Launch Party ( Season 4 Episode 3)
“Launch Party” is one of the episodes of the Season 4, which contained series of long episodes that usefully redirected the series with the padded storylines and poorly –baked situations. Just as in not in other installments, “Launch Party’ contains abounding storylines to gainfully fill out the hour mark. Michael seizes a a guy who delivers pizza, when he understood of him being exempted from Dunder-Mifflin launch party. Also, Dwight is keen on making a statement as regards his sincerity to Angela. And this he did by purchasing Dunder-Miffin’s new computer program. It’s obviously exciting in all fronts , and also presented to calm the fans who were concerned that there was a loss in direction at The Office.
13. Halloween (Season 2 Episode 5)
No doubt, The Office is known for coming out with hilarious episodes of Halloween. This is the first, which set the ground rolling, with the included drama of Michael having to sack an employed, as the day wound down. This ordinarily comes with the image of Michael finding it difficult to contend with a strategic decision which is laced with apprehension, just as he sprouted a paper mache head right on his shoulder. Of course, this typical comedy alone. More so, this episode is the first of its kind to come up with the funny ploys of office queer Creed, which captures the scene. With Michael having a good laugh of all the costumes he’s adorned with in the past, our eyes are glued to the screen, as the very lonely chap, cleans up the car, as the fired employee had dropped pumpkin on it, and the he drives straight to his house which was empty.
14. Product Recall (Season 3 Episode 20)
No doubt, The Office is great at opening coldly. In this particular episode, Jim comes to work and gets pissed off as he beheld Dwight’s beautiful short-sleeved, mustard yellow button, as it was up, as well as the watch, glasses and unique hairdo. The storyline progresses as we discover that the aggrieved employee, right there at the paper mill, put a despicable watermark , along with the image of a loved cartoon duck, displaying awkward behaviors with the use of some kind of cartoon mouse that lots of folks like, on 500 boxes of Dunder Mifflin paper products , of which some were put in use for prom night invitations by the local high school. Michael attempts to appease a client, while Andy Bernard ____the sales suspects he might be a pedophile. Bratton falsely implicates a woman, just so he couldn’t lose his job.
15. Drug Testing (Season 2 Episode 20)
Drug Testing happens to be the last episode of the season to be aired. It makes known to us the extent to which Dwight will go, to retain his voluntary duty, as the Deputy to the Sheriff. As half of a joint is located in the parking lot of the office, he starts to interrogate those on his list of suspects, leading us into knowing a little more about Creed’s familiarity to narcotics. Jim then discloses that, “Dwight finding drugs is more lethal than most people using drugs. Here in this episode, we are introduced for the first time to Hank Tate ___ who is the security guard in the building, as played by Hugh Dane.
16. The Convict (Season 3 Episode 9)
This episode happens to be one of the most popular of all the episodes of the U.S series, with the script originally written by Ricky Gervais with Stephen Merchant, who is also the brain behind the main idea of the show in the U.K, with about 14 episodes. Just as Michael Scott, deals with yet another Dunder Mifflin branch in the last episode, he gets to know that someone among his latest employees had been convicted a s a felon and this, the rest of the employees are uncomfortable with. As the employees began to draw a comparison between an actual prison and the place they work, Michael then resolves to present to them the actual setting of a prison as he introduces them to “Prison Mike”, one of his diverse characters.
17. Stress Relief part 1 (Season 5 Episode 14)
This episode kick-starts with a one of the most outstanding cold openings of the entire series. Dwight who was vexed that his colleagues were not seriously regarding his lectures, he then resolves to create a chaos by lighting a fire right there in the office, just as he barricaded his colleagues within, screaming routine directives at them. The chaos then resulted in one of the employees developing a heart attack. This, funnily results to Dwight wearing the face a CPR dummy, just as he cuts offs.
18. Garden Party (Season 8 Episode 4)
In a bid to impressing the new CEO, Robert California as played by James Spader, Andy doles out all the stops in the episode ____ Garden Party. Hosted at Schrute Farms , the party gives an insight into the wild ploys of Mose Schrute, along with one of the major pranks Jim ever imagined. More so, Andy’s brother ___Groban, impresses the audience with a scintillating musical performance.
19. Branch War ( Season 4 Season 6)
This episode, as written by Mindy Kaling and directed by Joss Whedon, shows us to extent Michael can go for all his employees. Upon discovering that Stanley Hudson, someone among his salesmen had just gotten a more lucrative job offer from a different branch of the same company, Michael, in company of Dwight and Jim, incubate a plan, to land on their ‘competing’ branch, and this of course, didn’t go down well. More so, this episode introduces the comeback of Karen Filippeli.
20. Golden Ticket (Season 5 Episode 19)
This episode uncovers how magical and childish Michael Scott’s mind can be. Being part of a marketing stunt, Michael Scott places about five golden tickets right into random paper shipments, thereby raising panic, as that turns out to unconsciously give their customers an entitlement of a huge discount. “Golden Ticket” as an episode, kick-starts with a unique cold opening.