10 best Sims Game Packs to Play 2021
Which sims game is the best? In this article, we review the 10 best Sims Game Packs to Play 2020. The Sims is a series of life simulation video games created by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts. The Sims is a strategic life simulation video game and it’s the longest-running life simulation series in video game records. It is glorified as almost the only game of its kind. While a little number of similar series exist for the console, the Sims have dominated PC-based life simulation always.
Simulation games are one of the most extensive and prominent game genres all over the world. It’s also one of the most famous on mobile because the controls work well on touch screens. They’re quite easy to play and fun to engage with. It’s a game where things occur automatically and you just kind of drive things along in specific paths with your reactions.
The idea is to emulate a specific activity as closely as possible. The success of The Sims has resulted in Guinness World Record awarding the series with numerous world records, encompassing, awards such as, “Most Expansion Packs for a Videogame Series” and “Best Selling PC Game Series. If you want the best value for your buck, here are the ten best sims games.
10 best Sims Game Pack to Play 2021
Table of Contents
1. The Sims: Makin’ Magic
Makin’ Magic was the seventh and final expansion pack for The Sims and it was released on October 28, 2003, about a year after The Sims surpassed Myst as the best selling game of all time.
Features of the game
The main feature of Makin’ magic is the ability for Sims to create magic charms and cast spells and battle in wizarding duels all of which are achieved by combining elements that can be purchased in Magic Town or prepared at home with various devices and items that can be bought. It’s also the first pack to permit sims to reside in a neighborhood.
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2. The Sims: Superstar
The Sims: Superstar, released on May 15, 2003, is the sixth expansion pack for The Sims. Superstar brought Hollywood and game to The Sims and is one of few developments with no true heir. None playable personality based on real-world celebrities were included in the game.
Features of the game
Superstar offers a spectrum of recent objects, encompassing mud baths, massage rooms, deep-sea diving simulators, sushi bars, and trophy cases. It also features new careers, new objects, new TV channels, and a new neighborhood.
3. The Sims: Unleashed
Unleashed was released on September 25, 2002, and is the fifth expansion pack for The Sims. Unleashed added pets to the game and created a lasting love in the society for animal-related expansions
Features of the game
It adds features, such as farming, belonging to community lots, and about 125 new objects as well as 5 new careers. The main feature, however, is the ability to own pets such as cats, dogs, birds, fish, or reptiles.
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4. The Sims 2: Castaway
Castaway is was released in the US on October 22, 2007, and October 26, 2007, in Europe and is playable on the Nintendo DS, Wii, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable. Castaway generates a survival journey that is slightly about actual survival.
Features of the game
The Sims 2 Castaway features many new items ranging from food, clothing, objects, to tools. To complete the game, the player has to find all of these items. It also features three islands.
5. The Urbz: Sims in the City
The Urbz: Sims in the City was released in 2004 and is playable on PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Game Boy Advance, and Nintendo DS.
Features of the game
The Urbz is the initial game in The Sims series to have weather. In this game, Sims live in the city of Urbzville, which is made up of nine districts with each of them comprising their own style and different Sims. Urbz has only five fundamental needs namely hunger, hygiene, energy, bladder, and fun. Although the social need does not exist in the game and does not change the disposition of Urbz, status lessens over time and can be increased by associating. Undoubtedly one of the best sims game for android phones.
6. The Sims 4: Cats and Dogs
Cats and Dogs released on July 31, 2018, is the fourth expansion pack for The Sims 4, which was released on November 10, 2017. Cats & Dogs is playable on the Xbox One and PS4. It is an heir to The Sims: Unleashed, The Sims 2: Pets, and The Sims 3: Pets.
Features of the game
Cats and Dogs feature a create cats and dogs tool by which you can use the powerful create a pet tool to customize your Sims’ perfect cats, dogs, puppies, and kittens while also featuring bond with your pets offering a chance to feel the friendship and fun that furry friends add to your Sims’ lives. It also offers a unique opportunity to become a veterinary doctor and operate a clinic. It features a new world named Brindleton Bay
7. Sims 3: Generations
Generations is the fourth expansion pack for The Sims 3, which was released on May 31, 2011. Generations is one of two expansion packs to appear without a fresh town for Sims to explore.
Features of the game
Generations feature the return of memories system while children and teens may now recollect dreams, and become either in a positive or negative mood when they are awake. Sims can also now ask parents-in-law for their child’s hand in marriage. Generation also features new traits such as rebellion and nurturing. On offer is lifetime rewards, new parties, field trips, a new profession, an imaginary daycare, a new creature, after school activities, and a lot more.
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8. Sims 3: Ambitions
Ambitions is the second expansion pack for the strategic life simulation computer game The Sims 3 and it was unveiled in June 2010.
Features of the game
It features a new town named Twinbrook, a new creature, a new mode called Renovation mode, a new Build mode abilities, new CAS hairstyles, and clothes, some new skills, and lots more.
9. Sims 3: Late Night
Late Night is the third expansion pack for the strategic life simulation computer game and is similar to previous expansions The Sims 2: Nightlife and The Sims: Hot Date for The Sims. It was released on 26 October 2010.
Features of the game
It features a new neighborhood named Bridgeport; returning life state, vampires, new NPCs such as pianists, dilettantes, paparazzi, celebrities, bouncers; returning NPC, butler, new build tools, new and returning objects, and new lifetime rewards. It also features various points for attaining various levels in the game.
10. The Sims 2: Apartment Life
Apartment Life is the eighth and ultimate expansion pack in the Sims 2 video game series. It was released on August 26, 2008. This is the final expansion pack to support Windows 98/Windows Millennium Edition and Windows 2000.
Features of the game
Apartment life introduces new features such as apartments, social class, social group townies, reputation, witch, new NPC’s, new potions, new skills, and lots more alongside a starting fund §20,000.