23 best MCAT Prep Books for Self Study 2020
23 best MCAT Prep Books for Self Study 2020. MCAT for short is the medical college admission test. This is the basic and the unified test for all candidates seeking admission to medical schools in the US and Canada.
This exam is administered by the Association of America medical colleges. Meaning you can’t be admitted to any medical school in the two countries without passing this exam. This is because the exam is the baseline to confirm your suitability for admission to study any medical courses.
This is in addition to your academic qualifications. In essence, a high MCAT score gives you an edge when it comes to acceptance into any medic school. Apart from testing your capacity in chemistry, biology, physics, psychology, and sociology the MCAT test also measures your critical thinking in test contents. It means you should be able to analyze problems and proffer solutions to them.
Now to the main issue of the post which gives you the top 23 MCAT books among the lots available in the market.
Without scaring you, passing the MCAT takes serious determination, constant practice, and focus.
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My list of 23 best MCAT prep book is among the best in the market.
Table of Contents
1. Kaplan completes the MCAT guide
This is a 7 subject complete guide. Currently, this is one of the most extensive course materials in the market. The beauty of this package is the visual presentation of the content material. In each of the sections are enough questions to aid your learning.
Apart from that, what you go through in the resources is the resemblance of the content with the real exam. The material also includes quizzes that help you evaluate your performance.
The importance of this is allowing you to know your winning edge and your weakness. With that said, you can concentrate on your weak area as you prepare for the exam.
2. Princeton 7 book series
The book gives you a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals. It is full-colored with more than 2000 test practice questions. Compared to others, it simplified the content to its simplest form. That makes it easier for anyone to grasp the total content no matter your level of comprehension.
3. Examkrackers
Sometimes what makes a lot of MCAT materials valueless is the inclusion of some irrelevant contents. They may look voluminous with a high price but filled with materials that have near to nothing about the course.
If you purchase this 6 combination course item you are having value for your money. Several examples and explanations make it relatable and understandable. You are good to go if you have between five to six months to prepare for your exam, then, you are good to go.
4. Sterling MCAT study package
Each subject has 4 practice tests. Something unusual with this book is, it explains why your answer is wrong or right. The purpose of this is to give you a clearer and better understanding of the subject. You could also practice online with your scorecard to know how you performed.
5. Gold standard
This is a simplified visual/audio material. If you want an MCAT home study material that includes video, audio, flashcards, and books that covers all you needed to excel in your exam. There is a mobile app that guides you through each subject.
In addition to all these goodies, you’ll have the DVD that covers the medical interview and how to pass the exam. Available in the package is a 10 practice test that gives you your score immediately. Though this package is not that cheap but the benefits worth the price because you have access to four months’ online material preparatory to your exam.
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7. Sterling test prep MCAT biology & chemistry
This material, especially for general biology. It is good for pre-medical students. It also incorporates the basic problems associated with biochemistry.
It contains over 1000 test questions and practice. You also have access to the general principles for answering MCAT exams. All the contents are divided into easy to understand chapters. That makes it easy to digest in bits.
8. MedQuest MCAT fast study guide
If you are scared of the prices of most of the resource material in the market this one comes to your rescue. It explains the basic concept point by point for easy digestion.
This takes into consideration the newest MCAT test and exam. This study material is aimed at preparing you for the general test. You can you this material in combination with other study guides. It is simple to understand for the newbie.
9. Critical Analysis and reasoning skills
If you have access to this material, then you have access to the format of MCAT examination questions.
You can also set a personal time of practice on your personal computer. This helps you gauge your speed and your performance in preparation for the real exam. In real-time, you’ll discover where you missed it. Other areas covered by this guide include humanities and social sciences.
10. MCAT Physics book
This is a simplified version of MCAT physics. The book has a total of 14 easy to read chapters. Each solution is presented in a way that makes it easy to assimilate.
The humorous way the lessons are presented makes it easier to comprehend. Each chapter contains an introduction to the main content. You also have multiple questions for your practice. In all, you have a total of 49 chapters in this guide with an average of 500 multiple questions to aid your practice.
11. Sterling test prep MCAT psychology and sociology
When it comes to relating the theoretical learning and practice together this study guide first among its equal in the field of sociology and psychology.
One of the differences the material made is digging deep into the study of the two-component subjects necessary to pass the exam. This is because it covers the basic principles, not covered by other resources. The 15 main knowledge areas are well addressed per the AAMC guideline
12. The official guide to the MCAT Exam
When you consider all that goes into passing the MCAT exam, you’ll know getting resource material is a great advantage. There is a simple explanation for that.
This guide is prepared by the Association of American medical colleges AAMC who is responsible for conducting the exam. With this study guide, you have the needed information on how to prepare for the examination, the rules guiding the exam, and the score for the exam.
Another good part of this guide is the examiners preparing the real exam are those who package this material.
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13. MCAT Prep Book: MCAT Secret
This package contains material on physical science which is the combination of chemistry and physics. A section is dedicated to biological science comprising topics on the digestive system, respiratory organs, excretory system, and the skin.
To match up with the current scheme the material is updated as occasion demands. It also has several questions and answers sections.
14. MCAT 528 Advance Prep
This is the current MCAT preparatory guide from Kaplan. It is the result of Kaplan’s instructors. It is reviewed and edited by seasoned doctors.
So you can be sure you have an asset with you. The guide has several hard and soft copies of MCAT questions. Each of the four chapters addresses a separate part of the MCAT exam. It also guides you on examination preparation and critical reasoning principle.
15. Sterling MCAT Biology & Biochemistry Questions
When compared with others, this guide gives more detailed questions and answer. It contains over 1000 choice questions. Though not as popular as the rest, it addresses the reasons your question is correct or wrong.
16. 1001 Questions in MCAT Chemistry
It is easy to read the material. This is a self-help material for the exam. The guide is sectionalized into various subjects which include atoms gases, electrochemistry, heat, thermodynamics, and acids/bases.
17. MCAT Organic Chemistry
Thinking of ways to approach the exam in specific ways, then consider having this guide book. It is written to address organic chemistry. You have enough questions to practice with.
18. MCAT Psychological, Social & Biological Foundation of Behavior
Unlike the separate book on sociology, which teaches a skeletal aspect of the subject, this book is different. It connects the theorists with their theories.
19. Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Volume 1 and 2.
One of the courses you must pass is CARS. Questions treated in this book are from the MCAT past exam. With that, you are exposed to how the exam questions look like.
20. Kaplan MCAT 528.
Kaplan produced this as a cutting edge book for those interested in the nitty-gritty of the MCAT exam. It covers how to approach each subject, the exam, key point the examiners are looking for. The book covers the strategy and skill needed to excel above others.
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21. Nextstep MCAT Psychology and Sociology, strategy and practice
This book is the brainchild of Bryan Schnedeker, an erudite scholar with years of experience as one of the coaches of MCAT exams. This is new in the series of material for this exam with almost 400 test questions. It is easy to digest with enough questions to guide you in the approach to the exam.
22. Berkeley MCAT Complete set
Only a few MCAT books or guides can match up with this guide in comparison. It has over 3000 questions cut across major courses. This includes, but not limited to organic chemistry, general chemistry, physics, biology, psychology, critical analysis and reasoning skill, verbal passages. Added to this are the questions and answer portion that give details of why some questions are right and others wrong.
23. MCAT verbal Practice book
This package is specifically meant for critical analysis and reasoning skills. The content is divided into twelve segments with exercises for you to practice. In addition to it is the free online account to attempt the look-alike MCAT exam question. There is a detailed explanation at the end of each section.
Any of these listed 23 MCAT books are good for you no matter your level and choice of medical career you have chosen. I think I should remind there is no shortcut to reading and studying. Your thorough practice with any of the books I listed will secure your admission to any medical school of your choice.
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