5 Tips on How to Write an Effective Essay

5 Tips on How to Write an Effective Essay


A perfect essay? It sounds promising, but is it really possible? Even professional college essay writers can’t create an idea work. The word “essayer” itself is translated from French as “experience, sample, attempt, sketch.” Thus, the etymology of the word itself denies anything brought to perfection. But it is certainly possible to write quality and interesting work that will be highly appreciated by the teacher. So, let’s analyze what kind of work this is and what skills a student should demonstrate while writing an effective essay.

What Is an Essay?

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An essay is a student work, a kind of prose work, which is written in a free form, and, in fact, is the author’s statement on a given topic.

This work tests not the student’s knowledge but rather his ability to argumentatively prove his point of view and formulate thoughts and build them consistently and logically. The essay is one of the most creative tasks that the educational establishment offers.

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Five Principles of Writing an Effective Essay

If we talk about an essay’s content side, it is better to follow the following five guidelines when writing:

  1. The essay expresses the author’s point of view, which means that it is subjective. Therefore, it is not necessary to try to generalize someone else’s opinion on this issue; it is better to express one’s own and compare it with already existing hypotheses or axioms;
  2. Even though your opinion is first and foremost important in an essay, it should be remembered that you are considering a particular topic, which means that it should be disclosed in the essay’s content. If you want to control whether you are working in the right direction, it is better to answer the following questions:
    1. Is the subject/question revealed?
    2. How precise are the thoughts?
    3. How correctly and competently is the essay written?
  3. Orator skill has been in demand since Antiquity and has not lost its importance, and it is in this form of work that it can and should be demonstrated. Therefore, your essay should be inspiring, capable of convincing the reader to accept your thinking.
  4. Individuality and peculiarity. Yes, it sounds relatively trivial. Nowadays, the whole world demands this very individuality, and, of course, a thousand cherries on top. But when we talk about an essay, we mean a little different: the form is as important as the content. For your thoughts to be heard, they must be presented in an exciting way. Therefore, you should pay attention to your literary style and your writing skills.
  5. Do not forget about the details. Any work looks more convincing and weighty; if it mentions specific facts, interesting arguments, examples from reliable literary sources, there are references to significant publications or names. It seems to be a trifle, but it makes an unforgettable impression during reading.

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Structure Elements of an Essay

Now let’s consider important structural components that should be contained in an essay.

  • In this part, it is better to pay attention to the problem/topic stated in the essay.
  • The main part, built on the principle of “thesis-argument” (better if there are 2-3 facts).
  • A conclusion which sums up the main idea of your work.

A reasonably simple structure allows us to express thoughts in a free form, but not to lose the integrity that any work needs.

Things to Avoid in an Essay

Oratory is undoubtedly a great thing, but remember that brevity is the sister of talent. So it is better not to use complicated, intricate, difficult to understand sentences. Also, try not to engage in empty talk; it is better to write less than fill the void with meaningless phrases. Also, do not overload an essay with lengthy introductions. You should stick to the point; everything must be in balance. And it’s also advisable to double-check the text you’ve written several times, as mistakes spoil the impression.

So, let’s summarize: to write an effective essay, you need to be concise, consistent and give the arguments you can prove. Details decorate any case, so feel free to demonstrate facts if you have them in your sleeve. You also should select the style of writing, which will be most appropriate for the given genre. If you follow these rules, you can get a complete work, which will be interesting to readers.

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