40+ Best Sources of Probiotics and Prebiotics and their Benefits
In this post we will help you discover the 41 foods and fruits and contain probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for the body; they strengthen the immune system, treat digestive problems, mental illnesses, helps nutrient absorption, neurological disorders and they hold the key to a better health. 80% of the immune system lies in the gut and probiotics influence the gut positively thereby strengthening the immune system and helping the body to fight off diseases and infections that originates in the gut such as thyroid imbalance, chronic fatigue, autism, joint pain and psoriasis and any other symptoms affecting the body. They are found in the lining of the digestive tract.
20 best sources of probiotics are:
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1. Kefir
This is a fermented milk drink; it is made by kefir grains to cow or goat milk. Kefir grains are cultures of yeast and lactic acid bacteria that look a bit like cauliflower. This is the best source of probiotics and its name originates from the Turkish word keyif which means “feel good”. It makes one feel good after eating. It is offers diverse and potent probiotics because it has several major strains of yeast and bacteria. People with lactose intolerance can also take this.
2. Yogurt
This is one of the best sources of probiotics; it is made from milk that has been fermented by lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. For people with lactose intolerance, yogurt is a better alternative to milk and it has many health benefits and helps to reduce diarrhea caused by anti-biotic in children. It also helps to reduce the symptoms of IBS. Take yogurt with live cultures because not all yogurt have live cultures, most of the live cultures are killed during processing.
3. Coconut kefir
This is made by fermenting juice gotten from young coconuts with kefir grains; it has several strains of probiotics and has a great flavour.
4. Tempeh
This is made from fermented soybeans. Its flavour is similar to a mushroom and it is firm. It is a good substitute for high protein meat. This is very nutritious and a great choice for vegetarians.
5. Poi
This is a staple food that is made by mashing cooked taro plant until its consistency is liquid to dough like. It contains more beneficial bacteria than yogurt.
6. Natto
This is another fermented soybean product that contains Bacillus subtilis; it is usually mixed with rice and served with breakfast, it is very healthy and prevents bone problems. It has a strong flavour, distinctive smell and slimy texture.
7. Ginger beer
This non-alcoholic, fizzy naturally fermented beer originated in England in the 1800s and it is very rich in probiotics.
8. Grandma’s probiotic
This is another name for traditional buttermilk; buttermilk generally is a range of fermented dairy drinks, they are of two types: traditional and cultured buttermilk. Cultured buttermilk commonly found in the supermarket has no live culture in it but traditional buttermilk is the only type that has probiotics. It is the left over liquid from making butter.
9. Sourdough bread
Sourdough is the fermentation process whereby wild yeast and friendly bacteria break down gluten and sugar in wheat flour and turns it into good proteins, vitamins and minerals. The sour taste comes from the wild yeast. This bread is richer and easier to digest than white bread and they have good quantity of probiotics because the starches from the grains have been fermented by friendly bacteria.
10. Raw cheese
Goat, sheep and cow milk cheeses are very high in probiotics especially if there are unpasteurized.
11. Sauerkraut
Sauerkraut is produced by fermenting finely shredded cabbage by lactic acid bacteria; this is popular in Europe and it is one of the oldest traditional foods. It can be stored in an airtight container for several months; it has a sour and salty taste and is used as a side dish or used to top sausages. Do not pasteurize it because pasteurization kills the live cultures. It is highly nutritious and aids good vision.
12. Pap
Pap traditionally known as Akamu is a Nigerian drink that it rich in probiotics; it is made by fermenting grains like corn, millet, guinea corn etc. fermented locust bean is also a Nigerian traditional spice that is added to meals and is also a great source of probiotics.
13. Brine-cured olives
Brine cured olives are very good sources of probiotics; make sure that the ones you purchase has no sodium bek2nzoate and it should be organic.
14. Pickles
These are cucumbers that have been pickled in salt water solution; they are left for sometimes to ferment using the lactic acid bacteria present in them and this makes them sour. They are great source of healthy probiotic bacteria and they are very rich in vitamin K which stops blood clotting. Do not use vinegar or buy pickles made with vinegar because it kills the live cultures.
15. Some cheese types
Most cheeses are fermented but that does not mean that all of them contain live cultures; so check the label to see if it has live cultures. The best cheeses with probiotics are Gouda, Mozzarella, Cheddar and Cottage cheese.
16. Kvass
This is an ancient drink made by fermenting rye or barley but recently it has been created using fruits and root vegetables like carrots. It cleanse the blood and liver, it has a mild sour taste and has lactobacillus properties.
17. Green peas
A Japanese study published in the journal of applied microbiology said that green peas contain Leuconostoc menenteroides which is a potent probiotic. It stimulates the immune system, protects the mucosal barrier (the second skin) and fights against bad bugs and toxins. Take lots of fresh green peas in your meals, salads, omelets and pastas.
18. Soy milk
Soy is a natural food that contains probiotics; if you want to buy it from the market; look on the label to make sure it contains live cultures.
19. Kombucha
This drink is a fermented black or green tea and it has been around for over 2,000 years; this is a popular tea that is fermented by friendly bacteria and yeast. It is also nutritious to the body. It aids digestion, detoxifies the liver and increases energy.
20. Apple cider vinegar
It enriches the body with probiotics; regulate blood pressure and control diabetes and cholesterol. It also control weight gain, adding it daily to your drinks, meals and salad dressings will help enrich your body with probiotics.
Prebiotics are non-digestible carbohydrates that act as food for probiotics. It also increases mineral absorption, gives stronger bones, strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation and prevent leakage of bacteria from the gut wall. It is known as gut fertilizer and it helps in detoxifying the body from toxins and harmful chemicals.
22. Raw garlic
It has a sweet naturally occurring prebiotic called Fructooligosaccharides; it promotes the growth of the friendly bacteria Bifidobacteria in the gut and prevents harmful bacteria from growing.
23. Dark chocolate
This is an effective carrier for probiotics to the colon; it helps them to survive extreme pH of the digestive system. It greatly protects probiotics and
24. Microalgae
This is a term that refers to plants from the ocean; it includes spirulina, chlorella and blue-green algae. They feed and nourish the probiotics in your gut thereby improving their number and function and strengthening the immune system.
25. Cocoa
Cocoa contains flavanols which have powerful prebiotic benefits.
26. Raw onion
This is a very good source of prebiotics and raw onion contains inulin a good bacteria that fights indigestion. You can also take cooked onion; it still has a good number of prebiotics but not as high as raw onions.
27. Asparagus
This is a good source of prebiotics promotes the growth of friendly bacteria in the gut and prevent certain cancers.
28. Raw wheat bran
This is a very good source of prebiotic and fiber.
29. Oats
This is a very healthy grain with high contents of prebiotics.
30. Raw banana
This is a wonderful source of prebiotic and it is also loaded with potassium.
31. Avocado
This is a wonderful fruit that is packed full with prebiotics.
32. Dandelion greens
This is a good source of prebiotics and fiber.
33. Leeks
Leeks are in the same class with onions and garlic and they contain good amount of prebiotics.
34. Apples
Apples contains pectin which has prebiotic benefits and decrease the population of harmful bacteria.
35. Flaxseeds
These are great source of prebiotics and they promote healthy growth of bacteria in the gut.
36. Potato skins
Cooking potatoes with its skin and eating them is a good way to get prebiotics.
37. Coconut milk and flour
This is a good source of prebiotics.
38. Yams
This tuber crops are packed full with prebiotics.
39. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are good source of prebiotics, vitamins and minerals.
40. Carrots
This plant is not only good for the eyes and skin but also supplies the body with good amount of prebiotics.
41. Chia seeds
Like flaxseeds this seeds are also good source of prebiotics.
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