Essay Writing for Beginners: 7-Step Guide for Students
One of the most despised assignments among students is the essay. However, they are vital in school since writing a decent essay might require admission to a college or university, receiving a scholarship, or even winning a contest. For students, the article is a significant endeavor and a meaningful situation. Here’s the 7-step guide for students for writing an essay to get a remarkable work result.
1. Choose the Type of the Essay
Table of Contents
Essays can take a variety of forms. However, the following are the most prevalent types:
● Narrative. A narrative essay is a piece of writing that tells a tale from a certain point of view.
● Expository. A topic is explained, illustrated, or clarified. Instructional pieces with step-by-step instructions are also included.
● Descriptive. A descriptive essay does exactly what it says on the surface: it describes an event, occurrence, or any other subject in great detail.
● Persuasive. This essay attempts to persuade the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint or opinion.
● Compare and contrast. This form of writing identifies how similar or dissimilar two or more items are.
● Problem-solution. This essay focuses on a problem, persuades the reader to care about it, proposes a solution, and addresses potential objections.
You’re ready to start writing once you’ve decided what you want to talk about and what type of essay you’ll dwell upon. On the flip side, you have the option to get help from AffordablePapers essay services, a college custom writing assistance for students.
2. Choose the Topic
You may have already been allocated an essay type or topic, which will save you a step. If you weren’t given them, you’d have to develop your ideas for what to write about. This will also assist you in determining the sort of essay you will compose.
The following are some questions you might ask yourself to help you come up with an excellent topic:
● What’s it about which I am particularly enthusiastic?
● What’s one notion or idea that I’d want to share with you?
● Is there any misunderstanding I need to clear up?
● Finally, what’s the most effective approach to communicate this information (in terms of essay types)?
3. Come Up with a Brainstorming and Research Strategy
After you’ve decided on a topic, come up with a list of all the different supporting ideas you may discuss. Begin with the fundamentals of your concept, asking questions like what, where, who, when, why, and how. To brainstorm linking ideas, you may use the mind map approach or just scribble down bullet points as you come across them in your study.
4. Create a Thesis Statement
Note down your thesis statement once you’ve pondered and studied. A thesis statement is a one or two-sentence summary of your essay’s main topic or argument. The thesis statement, in general, will convey your major topic while also expressing your standpoint on the issue.
5. Develop an Outline
You may begin preparing your outline once you have your thesis statement. Many individuals believe that creating an outline is a waste of time. But, in reality, an outline may help you organize your thoughts before you begin writing, saving you time by preventing you from going off on tangents or leaping from one concept to the next without a clear direction.
The five-paragraph essay is a standard essay style that includes the following parts:
- Thesis statement in the introduction;
- The first point;
- The second point;
- The third point;
- Conclusion.
Make sure that each paragraph has only one primary point when writing your outline. When you jumble too many points into one section, your reader is likely to become confused. Furthermore, make sure that your primary ideas are related to your thesis statement.
6. Get Down to Business and Start Writing
You may now start drafting your essay based on your plan. Some like to compose their paragraphs in chronological sequence, beginning with the hook. The hook is the opening few sentences of your essay that will capture the reader’s interest.
If you can come up with a hook straight immediately, that’s great. If not, don’t panic; you can always return to it once you’ve finished writing your essay’s body. Here are some more pointers for crafting your essay’s body:
● At least one paragraph should be dedicated to each of your primary points. Feel free to write more if your key points demand more than one paragraph apiece.
● A brief introduction paragraph is helpful for any issue that takes up two sections or more.
● Try to be as brief as possible.
● If it helps you explain your point more clearly, use anecdotal instances.
● Avoid utilizing first-person pronouns while writing a formal academic essay.
7. Finishing Touches
Using other people’s ideas was considered a sign of intelligence in ancient Greece. However, plagiarism is a severe infraction in today’s world, so be cautious while crediting other people’s work. To avoid plagiarism, rephrase any ideas you gather from your study rather than duplicating them verbatim. Put them in quotations if you’re going to add them.
After that, use correct citations. Plagiarism entails copying an idea and referencing the source of the idea itself, if available. Depending on your teacher’s preferences, you can use either the APA or MLA in-text citation format.
After you’ve finished your first draft, go through it again to ensure it’s free of grammatical and spelling issues. When doing this, you may utilize a language checker to get fresh “eyes” on your work, but don’t rely solely on software – always examine your work personally or have someone else do it. When editing, pay attention to the words you use: eliminate any extraneous words and replace weak verbs with powerful verbs.
Start Writing an Essay with 7-Step Guide
If you remember these pointers, writing an essay will become a lot easier for you, and you’re writing will improve. Keep practicing, and you’ll discover that putting your thoughts on paper and presenting a coherent piece to your audience becomes much more straightforward.