![Processed through facility ISC Los Angeles CA (USPS) [SOLVED]](https://picstagramhome.files.wordpress.com/2019/08/postalservice.jpg)
Processed through facility ISC Los Angeles CA (USPS) [SOLVED]
If you a regular user of the United States Postal Service (USPS) in Los Angeles, you will sometimes come across the phrase “Processed through facility ISC Los Angeles CA (USPS)”. You might want to ask – What does Processed through facility ISC Los Angeles CA (USPS) mean? Is your package still in customs or has it already been processed through?
ISC Los Angeles CA (USPS) Meaning?
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Let me explain…
“Processed through facility ISC Los Angeles CA (USPS)” is one of the most common tracking notifications sent by the USPS to their customers to notify them about the status of their package awaiting delivery. It always read thus… “Your item has been processed through our facility in ISC LOS ANGELES CA (USPS).”
What is Processed through facility ISC Los Angeles CA (USPS) meaning? It means that your package just arrived the custom and “it can be in customs for up to two weeks” according to the USPS official. It sounds funny but frankly speaking, your package is still at Customs going through routine checks.
If you call your local post office, they will tell you that your package is with customs, and there is nothing they can do. Therefore, you should sit and wait it out.
You might want to ask, what in the world is going on with my package? No movement at all. No new tracking notification, No seizure letter. This can be incredibly frustrating.
The language which says it’s “processed through” sounds like it’s been processed through and there should be a new status notification to say what happened after it was processed through because it doesn’t say it’s “processing.” it says it processed through, past tense. But she said this just means it’s there
So, what is really happening to my Package or Mail?
Often, your package is more than 3 days with this status, The Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) are the ones who have it and not the ISC Los Angeles CA(USPS). The CBP can hold anything from certain countries for any reason, usually, under the guise, it might be illicit or unapproved drugs or cigarettes.
Typically, the CBP will hold any package for any reason, and there’s not give you reasons for it. In the worst scenario, it’s difficult to contact them; there is no place to complain or inquire, no listed contact numbers, no chain of command.
Even the ISC staff have been appealing that the language gets changed since they have not laid their hands on the product, yet they are made to answer for it.
ISC Los Angeles CA (USPS) stuck – What to Do!
In most cases, you have to wait for your package to arrive at your destination and stop worrying yourself about it until you get it. After all, a wait itself was nothing new. Read more on: how late does USPS deliver packages and mails?
There was a case, where someone waited for 15 years And what-WAS THE RESPONSE?? No regretful serenade? No “we’re so sorry!” stamp? No explanation for its unlawful detainment?
However, if you feel your package is stuck or missing, you can follow these instructions given on the CBP website to track your missing pckage or find out if the CBP has it.
Or, simply go to your local USPS office and ask them to check up on your package. I’ve read stories of the USPS just simply having it there and for some the reason they never tried to deliver it to you.
If it has been over 45 days since receiving this tracking notification, simply file for a lost package unless you received a letter stating the package has been detained and why.
To be on the safe side, always use a private company, like DHL, when doing international shipping.