Trello Login Guide 2022 – How to Sign in To Trello Board – Login Issues and How to Fix
Trello board, with all its endless possibilities, can help you survive the day-to-day life of this fast-paced world. It is a platform that is very useful for managing projects since different elements can be generated with actions to be carried out or information to be displayed. Some of these elements that we mention can be boards, cards, lists, among others. They can all be customized and best of all, they help a lot with teamwork, which is what is usually sought.
Trello is wonderful and almost essential for task tracking, useful for both project managers and bloggers as you can use it to manage all your future content.
Other ideas to use Trello are: to program the posts of your social networks, establish the content and programming of your advertising or groups on Facebook, you can manage the flowchart of any administrative process of your company, and you can even use it to plan your marketing strategy. email marketing.
For all that we mentioned, we are going to explain in this tutorial how we can start using Trello, step by step so that you can identify how easy it would be to create an account and start enjoying the benefits.
How to create an account in Trello
Table of Contents
Step 1: Enter the Trello website
The first thing we have to do is enter the browser and access the Trello URL since there, in addition to having all the details of the tool, we have the option to start registering. This is found at the top right of the screen via the Sign-Up button, which is highlighted in blue. In that option, we have to click to start the registration process, as can be seen in the following image.
Step 2: Complete the email
In the second step, we have different options when choosing an account to link with the new one that we are going to create from Trello. Below we see that we have the chance to register with Google, Microsoft, Apple, or Slack. Any of these alternatives are valid and just by clicking on those options and being previously logged in to the chosen account, the subscription will be created with the same data.
However, the option that is most often chosen is to link the account with the email box, which is the first option that appears on the screen (where we highlight it with the little red arrow in the following image). If we choose that we have to enter our email in that field and then click the button that says Continue to continue the process.
Step 3: Fill in the full name
After having touched the Continue button, the page will direct us to another screen in which it asks us to enter our full name. In other words, we must enter the name and surname, as it appears on our national identity document. After having done it, you have to touch the Register option to finish the process.
Step 4: Pass the robot test
This step seems to be obvious but many users often get stuck because they do not understand how it works. The tool needs to confirm that we are not a troll or a machine, and therefore it gives us some simple common-sense tests so that we can verify our identity as human beings. In general, it puts us in different images, and we have to select those in which we visualize a specific object: In the next photo, we will see an example with the bridges. After selecting the corresponding images, we must touch the Verify button.
Step 5: Confirm the account
The last step to finish the account creation process is to confirm it through our email box. It is that the one with which we have registered will automatically receive an email so that we can verify our identity and confirm the subscription.
That is why we have to go to our inbox, enter the email that we will receive from Atlassian, and click on the blue button that says Verify your email. Once we have done that, the account will be created and we will only have to start enjoying all the tools that Trello offers.
How to log in to Trello
Once we have finished creating the account, we only have to access it, and we can do this simply by logging in. First, we have to go to the browser and enter the URL of the Trello website, which can be accessed by clicking the link that we leave highlighted in blue.
When we are inside the page, we must look for the log-in option, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen, as shown in the following image. You have to click on that button to move on to the next action.
On the next screen, everything is very simple since there are only two fields to complete. The first is that of the email with which we have made the registration, and in the second instance, we must complete the password field with the access key that we have previously generated. When we have all that complete, we only have to click on the green button that says Start session, and in this way, we will already be inside the account to start creating the boards we want.
Trello Login Issues and How to Fix
Some of the common reasons why you can’t log in to your Trello account is that you forgot your login details.
How to recover the password of my Trello account?
You can recover your password by going to https://trello.com/forgot. If your email address isn’t associated with an existing Trello account, it will let you know after you submit the form.
Using the link above should take care of most cases where you can’t access your account. However, sometimes things can get a bit complicated. We will address each scenario individually.
Verifying your account
We only have two ways to verify that you are the owner of your account:
You know your account email (or username) and password, and you can log in to Trello.com.
You own the email address associated with your account and you can retrieve your password at https://trello.com/forgot.
Note: If your account was created through Google Sign In, you can also recover your Trello account by signing in through your Google account.
Since these are the only two methods of verifying your account, it is critically important that you keep your email address current. If you change jobs, graduate from college, etc. and you no longer have access to the original email address you used to sign in to Trello, you may not be able to recover your account if you forget your password.