How much have I spent on League of Legend 2020
How much have i spent on league? This is one of the most popular questions asked by every LoL gamer.
But there’s a good news. There’s a very simple way to check this and that’s what this post is all about.
Did you also search on “how much money have i spent on league?” If yes, you are in the right place. You have been playing the League of Legend for a number of years now and you are wondering how much have i spent on league, rather you’ve spent on the league?
Don’t worry the answer is here. The amount may be scary though! Some players have spend almost $10,000 on LoL without discovering it.
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How much have i spent on league or legend
Table of Contents
Before now, LoL gamers where able to check their league stats, including how much money they’ve spent on this page https://privacy.riotgames.com/en_US/data.
Remember that the old Riot Games Privacy page is not working anymore due to the new GDPR regulations.
In this post, we will walk you through the step-by-step guide on how to check your LoL spendings for all time.
The best method to find out how much money you have spent on LoL is to send a support ticket.
“how much money have i spent on league?“
You have to open a support ticket requesting your account information. Blitzcrank Bot will immediately reply to it saying that it’s being gathered and will take up to 30 days. After a while, you will get another reply with the link to download your account’s information.
One of the files will contain the information on your RP purchases and how much you spent.
It all changed when GDPR came into effect.
Simply follow the guide;
Step 1: Visit the dedicated support page.
Step 2: Log in to your account.
Step 3: Be ready and do not fear the worst.
Step 4: Click on “Show Me The Money”.
Alternatively, you can send in a Support Ticket to get that information.
Step 1: Under “choose a request”, select “I need help with account management, data requests, or deletion”.
Step 2: Then under “I need help with” select “I would like to request my account data”.
Step 3: Finally in the in the description just explain what you need, in this case you want to know how much you have spent.
Caution: Seeing how much you spend on LoL could lead to degression. Some LoL gamer believed they shold have used the money to something more meaningful to life. But it was really fund by the way.
How to Edit your Friends Amount
Search for How much have i spent on league or legend could be scary, you can have fun and mess around with your friends by editing the amount or inserting a custom message.
Highlight the text.
Right click and select “Inspect” in the menu.
Edit your amount in the following line:
<div id=”money-spent-results” class=”style-scope z-page-article”>$9000</div>
Click “Enter” to save the changes.
Note: I used Chrome for this example, but all the web browsers can edit it.
Article Keywords:
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