7 Trends in Higher Education That Are Changing How Learning Occurs
The education system has gone through several changes over the decades. Often, what changes is the curriculum, but there have also been changes in how students learn, how teachers teach, and how schools cater to their students/teacher’s needs. Most of these changes have been positive and are having a positive impact on students. There may be a few instances where some advancements have both negative and positive effects, but the effects have been positive in most cases. Here are seven changes that are making learning better.
Distance Learning
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This change is being spurred on by the wide-spreading use of technology. There are many reasons why a student would not be able to attend physical classes. They may have to work during normal class times and, therefore, can’t attend classes. They may have a disease or a disorder that prevents them from coming to school. Sometimes, they just don’t live in the same continent, country, or state as the school they want to attend. Whatever the reason, distance is no longer a valid reason not to attend classes and get an education.
Teachers can record their classes, and students can learn at the most convenient time and location for them. If you couple an online course with the right PaperWritingService, you can be able to juggle your school and other activities perfectly and still make those A’s.
Increased Mental Health Awareness
More and more people are realizing that mental health illnesses are real and that they affect anyone regardless of age or gender. Universities and colleges also understand this fact. For that reason, many universities and colleges have on-board psychologists and counselors who can talk to the students and help them get help. Many universities also work to create awareness among students and educate them about taking care of their mental health and warning signs to look out for, among many other related topics.
Increased Diversification in Universities
There are many reasons that can explain why schools are more diversified now than they were in the past. However, there is no need to convince anyone that the intermingling of people from different cultures, countries, religions, and races encourages students to be more tolerant and accepting of people not like them in the future. It is, therefore, encouraging that universities and colleges today are so diversified.
Increased Use of Artificial Intelligence in Learning
Artificial Intelligence applications are taking the world by storm. The education industry is not to be left behind. Schools are using AI in several aspects of the teaching and assessment process. For example, it can be used to assess students’ understanding of various topics after tests and give feedback to the teacher. Additionally, if students face common problems every year, a school can use AI to answer these questions saving the teachers that time. AI is being used to improve different school processes like enrollment and administrative tasks, thereby streamlining workflow in schools.
A Rise in the Number of Non-Traditional Students
In this case, non-traditional students are those that are not teenagers and young adults fresh out of high school. Universities and colleges have created programs that encourage people of all ages to come back to school. For that reason, it is not surprising to find people of all ages, including those with children in high-school, college, and above, going back to school and getting those degrees. This is great, particularly for these students who get the opportunity to learn something new and potentially advance or change their careers for the greater good.
Virtual Reality
This is one of the coolest trends in the education industry. Virtual reality is being applied in some departments more than others. For example, in medicine, some schools are using virtual reality to learn about human anatomy. They can see different parts of a scanned body on the VR machine and operate on virtual cadavers. Another VR tech application may be in sciences helping students see experiments being performed that would be too dangerous to perform in a lab.
Rise of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
A MOOC is a course available on the internet that anyone with an internet connection and some time can take. One great thing about MOOCs is that they are cheaper than normal courses at university. This makes them great for learners who do not have the money to attend college but want to advance their understanding of particular topics. Many times, they are short courses. Because of their easy availability and fewer requirements, they have high enrollment rates. Universities release new MOOCs, frequently increasing the availability of knowledge to people who would otherwise not be able to get it.
As you can see, the education industry is accommodating innovations all the time. For this reason, school is becoming more available to people who would not have been able to access it earlier. Since innovation is an ongoing process, one can only wonder how education will look like thirty years from now.