10 Reasons Why You Should Build An App For Your eCommerce Company

10 Reasons Why You Should Build An App For Your eCommerce Company


With the number of smartphone users increasing, more and more Americans are downloading apps for the various services they need. The message, thus, is simple – if you want to reach your target audience, you need to convert website to app. The number of people downloading apps is far more than those visiting websites.

If you have an eCommerce company and want to take your business to the next level, it’s time to invest in a mobile app. With creative and easy-to-operate apps like SKUTOPIA, you can engage the end-user faster and increase your revenues.

10 Reasons Your E-Commerce Company Needs an App

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Whether you are an established business or a start-up, here are the benefits of building an app:

Customized Experience

Mobile apps use ai development tools to provide your customers with a personalized experience. With these tools, you can assess your users’ usage, personal choice, interest, behavior, and more.

A mobile app can give you essential information regarding the products and services potential customers check regularly and customize the information that you provide them. When the user gets updates on products or services they use, the chances of a conversion are higher.

Push Notifications

Unlike your website, you can send  your target audience push notifications through a mobile application. Given that people check their phones every time they receive a notification, their engagement with your app is bound to increase. This is one of the best ways to communicate with the user and increase conversions.

Users are also more likely to check your push notification than your email. Whenever you want to share fresh offers with your customers, just send them a push notification.


Since it’s easier to carry a mobile device instead of a laptop, the time spent on mobile apps is more. Users want to stay updated on the go, and the best way to do this is through a mobile phone through which they can check their updates anywhere.

Improved Customer Communication:

You can provide direct contact details to your customers through your app so that they can communicate with you whenever they want. The in-App messaging has a chat option where you can update the user regularly. The notification will be displayed within the app when you use in-App messaging.

You see the message when you make payments through an app like “Thank you for shopping with us. Become our Green Club member to avail of a 15% discount.” You then need to either choose the option “become a member” or “no thank you.”

In-app chat features allow you to provide concise updates. Users avoid messages with too much text. This is a major advantage of in-App messages since they make it easier for users to skim through messages.

Transaction Speed

Users can complete a transaction faster through mobile apps when compared to web stores or mobile websites. The user interface of mobile phones is easily navigable, dynamic, and the checkout process is simple too.

The user always prioritizes speed, and with a mobile app, the entire transaction can be done quickly. From browsing through products to making payments, mobile apps are the fastest way to complete a transaction. The faster the checkout process of your app, the more customers you will get.

Get Better Brand Visibility

Mobile apps allow you to give your brand the recognition it needs. When you are building your app, you can instruct the developer to provide attractive graphics and exciting colors to make the user interface more appealing to the user.

Since the user interface is the first point of contact with the end-user, you must use your creativity to make it attractive so that the user is tempted to visit your app frequently. They will have a greater brand recall and refer the app to their friends as well. This is the best way to promote your brand.

Have Smartphone Features

Users are accustomed to certain smartphone features like the camera, contact list, calculator, compass, and more. Your app should leverage these features of a mobile device to provide the user with a rich experience.

You can also use the GPS feature in smartphones to track the user’s exact location.

Getting More Traffic For Your Website

If you want to shift more traffic to your website, your mobile app is your best bet. It is possible to synchronize your mobile app with your website. By doing this, the frequency of users visiting your website is bound to increase.

The more engaging your app is in terms of its features and appearance, the more interested the end-user will be in visiting your website. If your website is also appealing and easy to navigate, the likelihood of a conversion is much higher.

Develop a Loyal Customer Base

There are a lot of apps vying for the attention of the user. If you provide customized updates to the user by following their interests, you will be able to provide a more dedicated mobile app.

The offers that you provide will be ones that the user is interested in. The user will choose your app over other apps and help you create a loyal customer base. You will be on the user’s priority list, and the user will keep coming back for more offers.

Users want to feel special and get all the pampering they can get. When they get what they need from your app, they will avoid other apps and focus on yours.

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Join Your Competitors

Every business has a presence in the mobile app universe. They know that the mobile app can give them better access to their existing clients and help them increase their client base. They want to profit from the reach that mobile apps provide them.

To ensure that you stay in the competition, you need to join the bandwagon. Your competitors have their apps, and if you don’t get one, you’ll miss out on business. Technology has made mobile apps the preferred marketing tool of all companies worldwide, and to remain competitive, you need to get your app.

Enjoy Higher Sales With Your App

The best way to succeed in business is to monitor your customer’s tastes and preferences. With advances in technology, the mobile phone has become Americans’ preferred choice when it comes to information. As the owner of an e-commerce business, you need to cash in on this trend.

AI enables you to track the preferences of your customer through the mobile app. When you start ‘target marketing,’ you have a loyal customer.

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Author: Simon RobertEasyInfoBlog is a multi-author blog. We have experts and professionals in various fields who share their ideas and expert knowledge to help you with your daily information needs. Thanks for reading!

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