The Complete Guide For Startups To Stand Out On Twitter
Twitter is one of the most famous and feasible social media platforms. Being a business owner, you need to find which social media platform suits your business well. Twitter is the most successful platform with more than 300 million active users; it helps to market your brand and yourself online. This guide will learn the best tips and tricks on how startups stand out on Twitter.
Why Use Twitter?
Table of Contents
If you properly use Twitter, it will
• Bring visitors to your website/blog
• Enlarge your network
• Allow you to connect with many people you usually won’t able
• Generate leads for you
• Allow you to build a professional or personal brand with faithful followers.
Among these, two main things will happen to promote your business when you start using Twitter.
1. You Will Get New Leads And Contacts
By using Twitter, you can get much business, including jobs, sales appointments, new clients, etc. People will always do business with those they really know and trust. It is an essential reason for Twitter as the main platform. It allows you to build relationships more easily, often virtually. Rather than sending emails, replying to a prospect’s tweet will help you find useful information.
2. More Traffic
Having a Twitter following will drive more traffic to your blog or website. It will increase engagement for you.
How To Set Up A Stunning Profile
An important thing you have to do to increase your followers is to humanize yourself because there are many spambots on Twitter. So you have to put a little effort into your profile to ensure people know this is really you—some of the quick profile checklists to your company’s personality.
Upgrade your Bio: one of the main ways to grab the attention of followers. So ensure that you put your primary goals and interests here. Be unique with what you have to do and don’t. You can also add little personal information about yourself. It will help people to start a conversation.
Put blog/website address: Using this, you will get a lot of traffic direct from Twitter.
Use the best profile picture: It is essential. Your profile picture should be natural with good smiling. You can avoid using sunglasses, hats, and some weird poses in your profile picture unless you are sure it fits the character you want to showcase.
Customized background: change the background to a cool picture that says something about yourself. So people will love and appreciate it.
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What are the Things You Can Tweet
Hashtags are everything on Twitter. You can Tweet things using Hashtags that are relevant to your audience. There is some genuinely useful information you should follow to promote your brand or business or yourself.. Some important Tweeting ideas for your business you can use are tweets about
• Upcoming Events
• Inspirational quotes
• Interesting blog posts/podcasts/books/videos that you have found.
• More engaging questions
• Offers or discount you have seen
• News you have heard that people love to know
Who Should You Follow?
There is an enormous number of people on Twitter. Some more are authoritative or exciting than others. So it is always better to follow movers and shakers in your industry that will best use your time. The highly influential people always like to explore interesting information and want to share it with other people. People will listen to them because they have a strong reputation for sharing standard information. You can also use tools to find the important people in your industry.
How To Increase Followers
Many of you are struggling to get more followers. Here are some easy tips to increase your followers.
1. Set Up Your Funnel
Always you should have Twitter details on every single thing you send or won online and offline. So people will easily follow you if they want to interact with you. There is a lot of chance of missing your email or business cards and blogs. By using this, you can make people follow you easily. Following this, everything is funneled back to your Twitter page.
For example:
• Signatures of your email
• Your blog/website/ business card
• Your other social media profiles
2. Engage People
If you have more followers, you will get more people to know. One of the best ways to build engagement with your customers is by replying to someone. It means responding to comments on your post. Twitter comments increase authority of your account. Retweeting others’ tweets is equivalent to giving a compliment to someone. Replying to the DMs is also another important way to engage your followers.
3. Introduce Yourself
Introducing yourself to as many people as much as possible is the fastest way to grow your following. To do this by following someone on Twitter. It is equivalent to shaking someone’s hand. It is the only fastest way to grow your following. Because many Twitter users will follow back to you if you follow them, so if you follow 500 people, approximately 100 will follow you back.
4. Drop The Dead Weight
Here is an easy thing. Now you should have many new followers, but unfortunately, Twitter limits you to follow back only 100 more people. To handle this situation, you can drop the dead weight and remove some people who don’t follow you back. You give way to follow more people who want to follow you back.
Note: an important thing that you have to remember is don’t unfollow your industry mavens are influencers. You have to keep them at all times.
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5. Listening On Twitter
One of the most powerful search engines out there for your brand is Twitter. Because people regularly tweet out many requests to get help on some topic. For example
Know good website designer
Anyone recommend the best restaurant in Italy
Looking for an intern
Think about this. If your business is related to any of these, you can reply with useful information about any offer.
Final Notes
Now we accept that Twitter has great potential for those that utilize it properly. If you don’t use it strategically and intentionally, it can be a big-time waste for you. If you follow these steps, you will get success with Twitter. And also don’t forget to
• Be human
• Be relevant
• Don’t spam
• Make friends
• Have fun