5 steps to troubleshoot and fix Nintendo Switch overheating
Nintendo Switch overheating (solved). In this post, we will show you the 5 Nintendo switch overheating solutions; see the steps to troubleshoot and fix the problem.
The Switch, just like any device, will most likely generate heat after an extended period of use. But it becomes abnormal if the heating gets out of hand to the point of bending or even melting, as some users have complained.
Yes, it sounds weird, but it is true. Over time, some users have observed that their Nintendo Switch has gradually warped and adopted a slight curve to it.
Nintendo Switch overheating fix
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What better cause than obvious overheating? With the cheap plastic body of the Nintendo Switch, it shouldn’t come as a surprise. In fact, Nintendo has openly acknowledged that the Switch can get pretty warm from docking during serious gaming sessions. The inbuilt ventilator fans in the Dock and Switch should be able to provide the needed ventilation for the devices, but even these can go bad too.
Most users said it got pretty warmed up mostly in docked mode, although it still heated up even without being docked. There are a couple of helpful tips that could prove useful in alleviating this problem if not solving it completely.
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5 steps to troubleshoot and fix Nintendo Switch overheating
1. Using another dock with a ventilation-friendly design
I would say that the design of the traditional Nintendo Switch Dock is quite flawed in the aspect of ventilation. Although it has ventilator fans built to help circulate air and reduce heat accumulation, Nintendo could have done better to design a dock with a less enclosed framework.
The Nintendo Switch is likely getting overheated because neither of its faces is open to airflow whenever in docked mode. Making use of an alternative dock that has no enclosed design but can still charge your Nintendo Switch with a USB-C port might be a good idea.
2. Taking breaks in-between gaming sessions
It is very easy to go hours on end with our consoles without taking a break, even for a meal. That is very common for regular gamers. But this practice might not necessarily be good for your console’s health.
It may just be the culprit behind your Nintendo Switch’s overheating problem. Using the device for extended periods without regular breaks to let it cool off means pushing it to work overtime.
And that will make the internal components heat up considerably, almost to the point of getting damaged. You should typically stop using the console when it becomes too hot while playing in handheld mode, as it may result in skin burns. If you can’t break your gaming session abruptly, I recommend you use Nintendo Switch external cooling fan. This has proven to be very helpful.
Read Also: Nintendo Switch dock not working; 5 steps to troubleshoot, 12 Steps to fix it
3. Unplugging from power source when not in use:
Apart from the power bills that leaving all the devices at home pugged in rakes up, thermal damage to your Nintendo Switch is very possible.
A full charge takes just about 3 hours to obtain, and so leaving it plugged in or switched on unnecessarily isn’t needed. You should be able to moderate the charging times and unplug it when it isn’t in use.
I recommend you use Nintendo Switch Dock chargers with LED indicators. The built-in LED indicator is for charging status, so you can see that the controller and console are properly seated in the device and it’s charging and when it is fully charged and ready to use, Red is charging. Green is fully charged.
4. Situating your device in a well-ventilated area
Electronics arrangement ethics should probably be included in the user manuals of every electronic gismo. A lot of times, without thinking or considering the consequences, we tend to cram all of our electronic devices into a confined space in the living room or elsewhere, most commonly piling them one on top of the other.
There couldn’t be a more wrong way to store our electronics. When in use, they are all constantly emitting heat simultaneously and so require more than just a regular supply of air to keep them in good working condition. This is the same case for the Nintendo Switch, especially in docked mode when it is operating at maximum performance.
You could easily position a fan to continually blow in that direction whenever they are in use, or you could easily set it up on an elevated platform away from your other devices where it won’t be affected by their combined heat emission. Generally, the console should not be used in room where the temperature ranges from between 5 to 35°C. If these recommendations does not fix it, simply buy a replacement. See the different choices below.
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5. Use of a USB fan with the dock
There are USB fans available in local electronic stores that can be plugged into the USB ports of the Dock and directed at the vents on top of the switch to keep it the overheating problem in check occasionally. This option can be utilized whether the internal fans are not functioning properly or not.