5 Secrets To Combine Study And Work

5 Secrets To Combine Study And Work


Can you be a full-time student and work for the employer full time? It seems difficult, but with the right approach, you will be able not only to excel in both areas but also to enjoy some free time.

Here are the best tips were chosen by us dedicated to all student-workers (or aspiring students).

1. Always Stay Motivated

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The first piece of advice we want to give you will seem trivial, but in reality, it is the basis of everything: keep your level of motivation high and never forget the deep reasons that push you to carry on this commitment.

When you study and work full time, there may be times when you feel completely at the mercy of things and think about why you chose to do both activities at the same time. You may want to leave your job, college, or both.

Well, moments of despair happen to everyone and depend on many factors: don’t question yourself every time they happen. Remember that every problem is solvable. Like, for example, if you need more time to prepare for an exam, you also have to work and you also have to write an essay. Think about what you could possibly delegate to someone else? Well, you might not always have to change your shift at work, but when it comes to an essay, you can always hire a professional essay writer to complete your essay on time.

Instead, put your why at the center: why did you choose to work and study at the same time? What’s your motivation? Keep motivation levels high and remember it even when you’re having a hard time. When you feel overwhelmed, take a break, take a deep breath, and think about all the things you are building that you should thank yourself for.

2. Plan Your Day In The Best Possible Way

The organization is the key to success. Doing everything at the same time requires a large planning phase. Organize each day by making an hourly schedule: based on your working hours, choose the time slot to dedicate to your study.

When the exam date approaches, if possible, take a day off work to review all the material that will be covered in the test. If you can’t take a day off work, use Saturday or Sunday to review.

3. Take Breaks

While it may seem difficult, include time off times in your schedule. Taking some time for yourself will help you lower your stress levels and be more performing.

Take breaks of 10 minutes an hour while you study, or perhaps follow the tomato technique to stay focused. Always make time to go out for a walk or have a coffee with a friend.

4. Take Advantage Of (Seemingly) Dead Times

Unless you work from home, you will likely need to travel to get to your workplace.

Your commute from home to work and back could take up to half an hour each way. Your travel time is perfect for studying. Here’s how to do it:

  • Download audio versions of your textbooks and listen to them as you drive. If you are studying a very complex subject, record yourself and listen to your voice.
  • If you are traveling by bus, use your smartphone to access the study material.
  • Prepare diagrams and concept maps and consult them during your bus or metro journey.

Don’t waste your commute and use it to turn it into a productive and useful moment for your study. This will allow you to enjoy a little freer time after work.

5. Simplify Your Study Material

When we talked about the importance of the organization to work and study at the same time, we advised you to carefully plan your day already thinking about the hours of study to dedicate to it.

One of the biggest challenges of full-time work and study is managing the heavy study load. For this very reason, it is important to carefully plan when and how you will study.

One of the best methods is to simplify the study material, “breaking it down” into small parts. For example, if you have 200 pages to read in two weeks, calculate how many hours of study you will have in the next two weeks. If you have ten hours available, you will need to read at least 20 pages per hour to complete your assignment. If you can’t read it quickly, you will need to plan a longer study budget in your schedule.

By simplifying the material, meeting your daily goals will be easier.

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Author: Simon RobertEasyInfoBlog is a multi-author blog. We have experts and professionals in various fields who share their ideas and expert knowledge to help you with your daily information needs. Thanks for reading!

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