31 One-Person Small Business Ideas currently Making $9,000+ Monthly in the USA and in other Parts of the World
Are you looking for a low -cost business ideas with high profit to do? If yes, consider yourself very lucky.
In this post, I will share with you the 31 One-Person Small Business Ideas currently Making $9,000+ Monthly in the USA and in any other parts of the World.
These are the best business to start with little money. You do not need to rent a big space, hire workers and buy plants. These are the best business ideas to make money if you are tired of searching.
These ideas are the ones that work, you won’t find them elsewhere.
See the list below;
28 One-Person Small Business Ideas currently Making $5,000+ Monthly in the USA
Table of Contents
1. Babysitting Business
If you like children – and children like you, you can become a babysitter or a child minder and start your own business working as and when you want.
It is of course a very responsible job with serious legal responsibilities. Most authorities require such businesses to be registered. Complete the formalities – and you can run your own business.
Children need a lot of care and attention and this business isn’t suitable for all.
2. Beauty Consultancy Business
Being beautiful or handsome is wonderful for the self esteem. A little care and attention make a big difference. However, most people don’t know where to start.
That is where beauty consultants come in. Start your own beauty consulting business. You can work just a few hours a week or earn a full time living from your own beauty business.
You don’t necessarily need a Beauty Salon when you start – you can work from home until your business becomes big enough to justify a full Beauty Salon.
3. Book Distribution Business
Millions of persons buy dozens of millions of books each and every year. There are many small and medium-sized publishers that appoint home-based book distributors.
Many more companies and book wholesalers appoint retail booksellers and distributors.
Books = Cash Opportunities
If you love books or the money that the book trade generates, this may be an ideal business opportunity to get into
4. Catering Business
We all have to eat. We all love good food. And we are willing to pay – that means people in the catering trade can make a lot of money.
You can start your own catering business if
(a) you love food
(b) you want people to enjoy what you cook
(c) you are willing to learn.
Become a professional chef, learn some basics about running a catering business – and you can start enjoying what you love to do – cook. In the process, you will be well rewarded with appreciation and real cash. Some catering businesses start with a one-man or one-woman operation – and then grow to turnover millions.
5. ICT Consultancy Business
Computers are now common place in most homes and almost all offices.
If you have more than just basic skills in computer hardware or software, you can become a computer consultant. Good computer or I.T. consultants are always in demand.
Your work may be based on-site at clients, or you may work remotely from home – your skills and the type of work you undertake will determine that.
Top Consultants earn very good rates.
6. Copywriting Business
Copywriting can involve writing one line slogans to write full brochures or product literature – and everything in between. There are 1000s of copywriting opportunities.
If you are creative, copywriting might just be that ideal business you are thinking about starting.
If you have never done any copywriting or creative writing, take a short copywriting course to cover the essentials. The course also helps you to uncover copywriting markets and on running your own copywriting business.
7. Courier Business
If you have a car or a van, you can start your own courier business. Small and large businesses always need to deliver documents and parcels. You may operate locally, nationally or even internationally.
Most small courier companies are run by just one person – or a few at the most. They network with each other and with bigger courier companies (sub-contracting).
Compare what prices other courier companies are charging and set your rates accordingly.
8. Dating Agency / Matchmaking Business
In a busy world, when people are hard at work trying to make a living, they don’t have much time for social interaction. We all like to find and make friends … but time is at a premium. That is good news if you have some time to spare. And yes, time can equal money.
Use your spare time to start a Dating or Matchmaking Agency. Busy people pay a lot of money to individuals and agencies that can help with finding potential partners and friends.
Dating Agencies / Matrimonial Agencies generate millions every month – get involved with dating and make your date with profits.
9. DJ Business / DJs / Disc Jockeys and Music
DJs are the life and soul of a successful party. A good DJ doesn’t just play fantastic music – he or she ensures that Party People have a thoroughly entertaining time – and they can’t wait to come back next time.
If you live for music and you love entertaining people, you can be paid to have fun. Great Disc Jockeys are always in full demand for parties, functions and events.
Your low initial investment in equipment etc. is recovered very quickly. Run properly, this can be a profitable business with fun as the main ingredient.
10. Agency / Exporters and Wholesaling Business
When you travel overseas, do you notice the lack of availability of certain products that you would like to buy?
Most small manufacturers don’t export their products. Also, well-known brands may not be available in certain places. Start your export agency and help small manufacturers sell into overseas markets.
You get a commission on every product exported – the profits can soon build up both for you and for the manufacturer you represent.
11. Freelance Writing
There are 1000s of writing opportunities for freelance writing – anyone can become a freelance writer. However, you can learn the long and hard way – making many mistakes on the way, and being taken for a ride even by well-known names; or you can pick up the skills quickly from top-class writers and writing mentors whose work is praised by industry and writers alike.
12. Graphics Design Business
Good graphic designers are always in demand – and that represents a good business opportunity if you are creative!
All companies – big and small – require graphic designers to promote their images and messages. You could be designing posters, banners, advertisements, flyers, covers, CDs or DVDs, and a multitude of other graphic applications.
You can work on-site with clients, or you may be home-based. 1000s of graphic designers now work from remote locations – thanks to the Internet.
13. Hairdressing Business
You can start your own hairdressing business right from your home with very little investment. Become a mobile hairdresser to increase your earnings.
Take appointments and visit clients at their homes or offices. Busy people are willing to pay premium rates if you visit them.
If you become a fashion hairdresser and build your reputation and your business, you can start generating an excellent income – way beyond what average hairdressers earn. The training is well worth it as hairdressers are hair today and hair tomorrow – and hair to stay!
14. Home Typing Business
There are thousands of companies that need home typists regularly. That gives you the flexibility to work the hours you want. The pay varies greatly from home-based typing job to another.
Some companies prepare special home-based job opportunity directories. Check their websites carefully to find out exactly what they are offering – and do they offer a refund if you are not happy with their directory? Be aware that there are some scams out there – not all companies offer genuine opportunities. However, the ones that offer real jobs also offer good money and support.
15. Importation and Distribution Business
Go to any small retail outlet, and you will see dozens of imported items; the larger outlets might stock thousands of imported items.
They buy their products from importers and import agencies. Even big outlets may only be able to buy products via an import agency when the agency has an exclusive distribution deal.
Identify a product that will be well received in your market and that is not already in good supply. Profitable importers make money finding niche products and their profits are made by volume sales and competitive margins.
16. Insurance Agency Business
Many insurance consultants operate their Insurance Agencies from small offices or even from their homes. They may be linked to bigger insurance agencies or they may have a direct agency with the insurance company.
Insurance policies are essential for most people – that means you don’t have to “hard sell” most types of insurance. Most people know it makes sense to be insured. That means your commissions can quickly build up. Operate your Insurance Agency full time or part time depending upon how much time you have and how much money you need!
17. Mail Order Business
One of the most popular ways of starting a business is to get into the mail order business.
You don’t need a big investment to get started – most people start a mail order business right from their homes. Select a product that interests you and that is in demand. Ask friends and look around for products you can get cheaply and then sell via the mail – good information products are always in demand. Successful mail order businesses generate millions – and they started out from very humble beginnings.
18. Mystery Shopping Business
There are many opportunities for becoming a mystery shopper. Good companies always use mystery shoppers to find out how their products and services are being delivered. If customer service is not up to top standards, the mystery shopper can report this and improvements can be made.
Mystery shoppers are also used for finding out what the competition is up to.
There are many advantages of setting up your own mystery shopping business – offer your services to companies and enjoy the rewards.
19. Freelance Photography Business
You can become a freelance photographer. Take a photography course at your local photography college or by distance learning.
Once you become a professional photographer, there are 100s of freelance job opportunities. You may decide to work for local or national media – selling your photos on a one to one or a syndicated basis.
You may simply wish to offer your services as a local photographer – to schools, clubs, community groups, families, businesses, etc.
You may run your photography business on a full-time or a part-time basis, combining it with your other jobs or responsibilities.
20. Plumbing Business
There is always high demand for good plumbers – good plumbers help to solve immediate problems in emergencies – as well as with routine maintenance and upgrades.
Even average plumbers make a good living out of their profession. Of course, if you start your own plumbing business, you make more money compared to simply working for someone else.
You have to take the responsibility of running your own business, investing in plumbing toolkits, etc. – but the rewards are also there for the taking.
21. Recruitment Agency Business
Recruitment agencies help employers find good staff – and vice versa. Agencies save employers a lot of time and effort by finding and qualifying potential candidates. They only put forward candidates who most closely match the employers’ requirements.
Once established, a successful recruitment agency may have dozens or 100s of employers as clients and 1000s of job seekers. They can also “headhunt” top class candidates.
Agencies charge employers commission as a % of the salary or fees that will be paid to the candidate/employee. The higher the salary, the higher the reward for the agency.
22. Research Agency Business
You can earn a good income by becoming a Researcher. Individuals and companies have a constant need for information.
Spare time is at a premium, and in most cases, the people who need the information simply don’t have the human resources to carry out the research. That means they use freelance researchers. Your research may be Internet based or off-line depending upon what your clients require.
You can earn anywhere from $£10 to $£75 per hour – top researchers command even more.
23. Resume Writing Business
Resume writing is a special skill. A good resume makes the difference between landing interviews and jobs or being thrown in the slush pile.
Learn to write winning resumes – and you can command an excellent income. Your work can come directly from potential job seekers – as well as from recommendations by agencies and employers.
Compared to the demand, there are very few excellent resume writers about. Another advantage – you can work from anywhere.
24. Technical Writing Business
Technical writing is ideal if you can grasp technical details quickly – and then explain all the details to non-technical people in easy everyday language!
Technical writers create software manuals, product user guides, white papers, technical case studies, presentations, proposals, and a host of other technical materials.
If you can write with precision and quality, you can find a niche market for your technical writing abilities.
25. Travel Writing Business
Travel writing is glamorous – you get to see the world, and you get paid for having fun!
OK, that is the perception that most people have. In reality, becoming a travel writer involves a lot of hard work. You don’t always get to work in locations that you really want to work in – and you come across uncomfortable and unhelpful surroundings.
There are two sides to travel writing – the thoroughly enjoyable part is that you get to visit places and to meet people; the downside is that it can be very hectic and yes … very tiring!
26. Tutoring Business
Each one of us is gifted in at least one subject or topic – in other words, we love a subject, and we develop a keen interest in everything to do with it.
There are also a countless number of persons who are keen to learn more about that subject. That is where your tutoring opportunity comes in.
Offer to share your knowledge and expertise with others – and they will pay you for your assistance. Teach for as many or as few hours that you like. Some tutors only teach for 5 or 6 hours per week – others make a full-time living out of tutoring.
27. Home Typing Business
Learning to type isn’t very difficult. For instance, if you use the Internet, you are already using some typing skills. Polish your typing skills and you have a profitable typing business on your hands!
Your clients can be local businesses as well as clients from around the world – you deliver your work using email, etc. There are always openings for good typists – if you are willing to put in the required effort, you can start making money.
28. Paintings and Art Business
Many if not the majority of artists paint for the love of art. Like writers and poets, they are inspired to create something. Artists who are commercially aware know that art is worth billions … and they get a share of the financial action.
Art is sold and bought every minute of every day somewhere. You don’t need to sell your painting locally … you can find an instant international market for your oil paintings or watercolors.
Once you build a reputation, you can make a full time living from your art … like many artists around the world.
If you have never painted, or you have never sold your artwork before, remember that all artists start from zero. Once you start, painting and artwork are addictive … and very rewarding at a personal level as well as financially.
Take a look at some art auctions or your local art gallery and you will find ample inspiration to paint and to start your very own art business.
If you don’t want to paint, you can still make money by buying and selling art.
29. Home Baked Cakes and Cookies
If you know how to make lovely cakes at home, you can turn that into a profit generator. Many people make good money from home baking. We all enjoy cakes and home made cookies – but if we are working full time we can’t make cakes!
If you have some spare time and you don’t have clue about making cakes or cookies, it’s not that difficult to learn. Attend a local class or learn from recipe books. You will quickly become a master baker – and then it’s up to you whether you start your cake making home business on a full time or a part time basis. As your business grows, enlist the help of friends and make sure you share the cake (cash!) with them.
30. Cleaning Business
How many offices or business premises are there near where you live? Many of them may currently not use office cleaners or anyone to clean their equipment – like computers, photocopiers, kitchen items, other office equipment.
They may be cleaning their offices themselves from time to time – but most business people would prefer to use their time to do what they are good at: running their businesses.
If you like to keep a place clean, why not turn your passion into a business that pays well. Visit your local offices and other businesses and offer your cleaning services. If you only clean computers, offer that. You can make good money either on a full time or a part time basis.
31. Ebooks Writing and Selling Business
Getting into print via traditional methods is still difficult. Only a limited number of openings are available as traditional publishers and literary agents are very slow to embrace change.
However, if you are smart and you don’t mind doing some initial research, you can write and publish your own e-book. 1000s of new writers are making money with e-books.
It isn’t as difficult as it may sound. There are also many good guides to take you through the processes. Also, many new publishers are getting into e-publishing – and that opens up many doors for new writers.
That is it. I hope you found this article helpful. Please don’t hesitate. Take action. I did a thorough research to find out which one-person business ideas make the most money. Kyla Lee made over $200,000 every year just for writing. You can use our ideas above to start your own business.
See on you the top!