5 Great Green Colleges and Universities Around the Globe
Picking a college or university to go to is no easy task. Different universities or colleges have different missions, histories, specialties, and cultures that they may market to their advantage to attract students. There are many criteria students use to pick the university or college they want to attend. Here are some of the most common factors:
- The money – Students, with the help of their parents, teachers, and guardians, chose colleges that the student can afford to go to. This is except for when applying for scholarships.
- The location – Students and other interested parties can also settle on a school because the location suits them. The reasons may be as mundane as weather preferences or as personal as proximity to their home.
- The program – Some universities and colleges specialize in certain specialties or have the best programs in particular fields. This can help a student pick a certain college over another.
- The prospects – Some universities and colleges guide students where to get jobs after graduating, and others have postgraduate programs for their students. Sometimes, the fact that you studied at a particular university or college gives you more merit.
- Your identity – For some people, it’s about who they think they are or who they want to be.
One factor that you may not consider when picking a college but that you should is sustainability. Sustainability may refer to the ability of mankind or an institution to meet their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same. Green colleges and universities link sustainability to ecological awareness and other social and economic issues.
If you are keen on sustainability and environmental preservation, here are some green universities and colleges to consider.
Colorado State University
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In 2019, Colorado State University was ranked first in the Sustainable Campus Index as a lead performer in achieving public engagement. This index is published by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education and recognizes universities and colleges that perform exceptionally overall and in 17 sustainable impact areas according to the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System, also called STARS.
Colorado State University has engaged students, teachers, and its staff members in its sustainability efforts. They have decreased water usage and encouraged waste diversion and eco-friendly transportation methods such as cycling and the use of the transit system.
College of the Atlantic
The college of the Atlantic is determined to examine how their actions affect the environment around them, both locally and universally. It’s no wonder that they are ranked first in The Princeton Review’s 2019 guide to top green colleges with such a commitment. For example, in 2019, it became the first college in the US to endorse the #BreakFreeFromPlastic Pledge. They also have a sustainable building policy with minimum requirements to be met by each new building to uphold their commitment, for example, by selecting sustainable building materials.
Randolph College
As one of the USA’s first colleges to sign the Talloires Declaration in the 1990s, Randolph College is committed to sustainability. This declaration was essentially a commitment by university administrators to environmental sustainability in higher education. In keeping up with this commitment, Randolph has consistently been recognized for its green initiatives. Their staff, faculty, and students are committed to improving the quality of life within their community while not compromising the needs of future generations.
They do this by encouraging students and staff to recycle, using energy-efficient sources, offering multiple free or cheap alternative transportation services, and using minimal pollutant equipment among other campuses. They also encourage students to learn more about sustainability and green initiatives by following publications and reading articles by reputable organizations. Among such articles are numerous essays on sustainable development and even gun control argumentative essay and research papers.
Dickinson College
Dickinson College is committed to creating a more economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable world by integrating sustainable practices on their campus. For starters, they have a Center for Sustainability Education (CSE) that advances and infuses opportunities for learning about sustainability into the co-curricular activities, research, curriculum, and civic engagements. Besides that, they have an organic farm and are committed to carbon neutrality, among other green initiatives.
American University
This university is already making great strides to improve its sustainability, and one can only wait to see how far they can go. They encourage their students and staff to use environmentally friendly transportation systems, for example, by making the university bike-friendly. Besides that, the university has a zero-waste policy, and they use energy-efficient sources like solar.
We live on a wonderful planet that provides us with food, favorable climate conditions, among other amazing resources. The least we can do is to take care of it so that future generations can have a great environment to live in. That is why you should seriously consider applying for green universities and colleges. If anything, they will instill values in you that you can use to make the world more sustainable.