15 Tips On How To Lead Someone To The Lord Jesus Christ
Here we will be sharing with you some of the principles of leading a person to Jesus Christ. We will be covering the basics of how to introduce Jesus to unbelievers.
First, have you ever thought of how to explain Christianity to a non-believer? Most people are often thrown off balance and confused when asked to go out for evangelism or asked to share their faith. While this is not meant to be so as he has Jesus has received the spirit of boldness and not of fear, it can be as a result of he/she not being groomed in the action. Well, I have good news for you because after studying this article, you’d find out that lead someone to Christ is not as hard as you made it seem.
There are different ways of leading someone to Christ. Mostly by words evangelism and sometimes by our actions. Just as you can’t go into an examination hall unprepared, you can’t go out for evangelism unprepared. You should know that those people you are about speaking to have their own beliefs and so it’s yours against theirs. Therefore, preparation is paramount. There are a whole lot of things that would make leading someone to Christ smooth and I’m going to be talking on them.
These Are The 15 Tips On How To Lead Someone To The Lord Jesus Christ;
- True love of God
- Living aright
- Complete trust in God
- Knowing and Studying God’s word
- Being kind and a problem solver
- Tell them the need for Salvation
- Tell how you became a Christian
- Tell why you became a Christian
- Tell them what has changed since you accepted Christ
- Having a Mentor
- Asking the Holy Spirit to take charge
- Sharing the faith with gentleness and respect
- Read wide on books that talk about this
- Know the steps in leading someone to Christ
- Discuss the repercussion of not being saved
1. True love of God
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Before you would say that you want to share your faith and lead someone to Christ, you must have love for Christ. The Bible says God is Love. You had to have surpassed that point where you love God for what he can do and have reached the point where you love him for who he is. This is because once you can bask in the awesomeness of God’s love, it won’t be hard to talk about him as you would want others to enjoy him too.
2. Living aright
When people look at you and your lifestyle, are they convinced that you are truly a Christian? You cannot bear fruits of the world and be of Christ. It is impossible! It is difficult, if not impossible to lead someone to Christ when your lifestyle doesn’t speak it. We should be aware that Christianity is not just about going to church, it is a lifestyle and whether we like it or not, people are watching. Therefore, endeavor to live according to the scriptures. It will make you more confident when you are on the journey of leading someone to Christ because of that assuredness of your lifestyle.
3. Complete trust in God
Most people are normally scared that those they talk to won’t listen and they won’t win any souls. Well, I’m here to remind you that you are only but a vessel. You speak but it’s the Holy Spirit that does the conviction. Therefore, put your complete trust in Him and know that with Him on your side, nothing will go wrong.
4. Knowing and Studying God’s word
It is a popular saying that you cannot give what you do not have. John 1:1 says that “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God”. Joshua 1:8a says that “the word of the Lord shall not depart of thy mouth and thou shalt meditate therein day and night”. Leading someone to Christ involves sharing the knowledge of God with that person so you can imagine how low in confidence you’d be if you do not know God’s word and yet you want to lead someone to Christ. You should be able to answer questions pertaining to your faith! (1 Pet.3:15)
5. Being kind and a problem solver
Even though sharing the word is important, being charitable is even more important. Most times, it is the fact that you are kind that causes most people to give you a listening ear. For example, buying food for the hungry before preaching to him gives you a higher chance of leading him to Christ. So if you see someone carrying a lot of things, help him and in your helping, share the word. If you see someone with a pile of clothes washing, lend a helping hand, and talk about Christ while at it. It is a proven way of leading someone to Christ.
6. Tell them the need for Salvation
Some people are uninformed as to why salvation is necessary. It is, therefore, necessary to inform them. Bring it to their knowledge that we all were born into sin (Rom. 3: 23) and if we fail to receive salvation, the outcome is death as Romans 6: 23 says “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ”. Romans 10:9 is one of those bible verses about leading others to God you can learn from.
7. Tell how you became a Christian
Most times, what ordinary words can’t do, real-life experiences can. A parent or teacher or friend may have led you to Christ. It may have been a one on one encounter just like Saul had that changed his name to Paul or it could be a conviction received during a program. Sharing this with them would enable them to know that it is a stage every one passes through.
8. Tell why you became a Christian
This may be inclusive of how you became a Christian. Your reason for being a Christian may be because you are scared of not making heaven, because of the miracle you witnessed in God’s presence. Just think it out. It will help a long way when leading someone to Christ.
9. Tell them what has changed since you accepted Christ
Now, this is what most of them want to hear and do feel free to bless their ears with the good works of God. It could be how an annual sickness has been brought to an end or peace of mind. It could also be having the power of sin. Whatever it may be, share it as it gives a ray of hope to the hopeless.
10. Having a Mentor
Even in the ministry, you have someone you report to or someone that you look up to. If you do not have, locate one. Ask your mentor to share his/her personal experiences with you and also give you tips on what he/she did in certain situations.
11. Asking the Holy Spirit to take charge
As earlier stated, it is the Holy Spirit that does the conviction. Therefore, before you go out, pray, and ask the Holy Spirit to take charge and watch how he will.
12. Sharing the faith with gentleness and respect
Inasmuch as we want these souls to be saved. We should share the message with gentleness and love. Respect their views but try and make them see the truth in love. Speak softly that the words may hit their hearts.
13. Read wide on books that talk about this
You should also learn to do your own research as to questions most people have on Christianity. This is because a lot of questions would be thrown your way and you have to be prepared to take them on.
14. Know the steps in leading someone to Christ
Knowing the steps is as important as these tips. The steps can be easily categorized into:
- They should acknowledge that they are sinners
- They should have belief in the gospel.
- They should wholeheartedly repent of their sins
- Receive Jesus Christ as their savior.
- Confess Jesus as their Lord
15. Discuss the repercussion of not being saved
It should be known to them that repentance is only done on earth. Heb 9: 27 says “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgemnet”. There is no repentance after death and the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). What then is the gain the man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? (Matt. 16:26).
All in all, live the right life and always ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. Remember that sharing the gospel is a duty (the great commission) as a believer. Don’t take it for granted.