4 Great Sources to Generate Ideas for your Guest Posts
4 Great Sources to Generate Ideas for your Guest Posts. More and more marketers are now turning towards guest posting in order to promote their business. Indeed this can help generate some substantial traffic to your own site and also improve your rankings with the search engines.
But where do you find ideas for your guest posts? For our own blog, it can be tough sometime to find enough ideas and now this can be even more challenging when it comes to guest blog. In this article, I will be speaking of 4 ways that should help you generate ideas for your guest posts quickly and effectively.
1. Authority Sites
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First of all, you will want to have a look at the authority sites. For example, if you are in the blogging niche you might want to consider Problogger or Copyblogger as a source of inspiration for your guest posts.
One trick that I use is to have a look at the comment section of the most popular blog posts. Usually, you will find that some readers may have contributed some additional ideas that may be really worth a post.
2. Magazines and Books
Yes, I am speaking about offline resources. Most of the articles contained in these magazines can be used in order to generate some guest post ideas.
So the next time you find yourself lacking inspiration, head to your local bookshop and have a look at the different magazines and let your creative juices start flowing.
3. Quora
This site in itself can provide you a wealth of ideas when it comes to writing guest posts. Indeed you will be able to find out about the problems that other people may have and then come out with your own solution.
Alternatively, you might also want to have a look at the different forums to find out the questions and problems that other people may have within your niche.
4. Article Directories
Although some of the articles listed in these sites are really crap, they can still be useful when it comes to generating ideas for your guest posts.
Also, you might try to combine two or three articles into one so as to create a more unique one. However, you should be careful about not copying these articles word for word and instead try to make use of the main points of the article in order to write your own.
There are no shortages of ways when it comes to generating ideas for writing guest posts. The important thing here is to make sure that your article is really unique and useful to your readers and not some badly spun content that will not add any value.
Do you have a guest post to publish on our website? If yes, read our guest post guidelines.