8 Latest Wedding Photography Trends Everyone Should follow in 2020

8 Latest Wedding Photography Trends Everyone Should follow in 2020


We live in an era where every now and then a new trend is replacing the older one. Be it fashion trends, sports trends, business trends, or any marketing trend. What is trending today may become outdated tomorrow. Wedding photography trends are also changing day by day. Couples, even the photographers do not follow the old trends. So, what are the latest trends in wedding photography in 2020? If you are looking for the latest wedding photography trends stay with us.

The trends are as follows:

Latest Wedding Photography Trends Everyone Should follow in 2020

Table of Contents

1. Wedding jewelry photoshoot:

Gone are those days when shooting taking people’s photographs was enough. Now couples want to shoot the jewelry as well. In fact, wedding jewelry holds a special place in the couple’s minds. Moreover, they will not wear these anymore as they wear on the wedding day. So, the wedding jewelry photo shoot is in trend now. Besides, they take jewelry photo editing services as well.


2. Casual shoot:

Once people would get ready for a long time and pose very carefully. They used to put so much effort to get a perfect photograph. But now this trend has long since bid goodbye. People tend to be more casual in front of the camera nowadays. They act more informal, less conscious about the perfectness of dress, and poses. In short, they want to feel relaxed. Photographers also have changed the perspective according to the trend. So, photographers tend to take more realistic and unplanned photos.


3. More than one photographer:

Gone are those days when one single photographer used to run here and there taking photographs. What I have been noticing for the last several years is people are more interested in several photographers. Well, there are some reasons for this. Couples don’t want to miss out on any angle or any particular moment of that special day. Particularly for the wedding preparation, it is better to have a second photographer. Reception, bridal party, and groomsmen should get a dedicated photographer for them. For this reason, the idea of hiring more than one photographer is getting popularity.


4. First-look photography:

Perhaps, this is one of the most popular trends in wedding photography in today’s world. Seeing your bride for the first time during the wedding day is really a special feeling. No amount of words are enough to describe the level of emotion this little moment carries. After all the hurdles, anxiety, planning and excitement when the final moment arrives, couples get emotional. They cannot control their tears. Capturing this priceless moment is very important for the two families. Because these photos will bring tears afters years. So, these are the reasons why first-look photography is in the current trend.


5. Docufilm style wedding videography:

Well, you might think this trend is an old one. But, let me tell you that a slight modification in this old trend has made it out of the box. Documentary style wedding videography is the latest addition to the recent wedding trends. It means that the videographer will not advise anyone to pose. He will let everything happen naturally. He will act as if he is not taking videos but witnessing what is happening. In the meantime, the whole wedding ceremony will unfold itself.


6. Drone photography:

Drones are getting immense popularity these days. And it has caught the attention of the couples as well. They want to capture their special day from a drone. Drones capture a huge area at a time. Besides this, it exceeds the limit of angles a photographer can get by shooting in the usual style. Shooting with a drone has become so popular that couples take their own drone at the spot. Drones are especially effective in destination weddings. You also can adopt this to your next project. Don’t worry about the strict rules of operating drones. Operating drones with a specific purpose are legal. Though it is costly and requires a big budget to implement drone photography you can try it a new trend.


7. Non-Wedding day shoot:

Couples these days are not like the older ones. Though almost 50% of marriages end up with divorce, couples cherish every moment of the wedding day to the fullest. They leave no stone unturned to get exactly what they want. As a part of these efforts, they want their wedding to be shot in multiple segments. In doing so, they hire an extra photographer to shoot non-wedding days. For example, they shoot while the groom is proposing, making wedding rehearsals. Moreover, the day after the wedding day is another important part. That time two families get together and it becomes another photography session.


8. Photo Booths:

Well, the last couple of decades have witnessed the triumph of social media. We can assume how much popularity they are getting from the surge of the number of social media platforms. Almost everyone has a certain level of social media footprints. People update everything on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Wedding photography has also taken this as a chance. Couples keep a corner dedicated to shooting photos only for social media posting. So, keeping a photo booth is also trending now.



To wrap it up, I would say that, trends may come and go, but the appeal of shooting the wedding ceremony will remain the same. The enthusiasm, goosebumps will never change. So, no matter what trend you follow, just enjoy the moment to the fullest.

Author: Daxton Butler

Photographer cum Marketing Head

Clipping World

Website: https://www.clippingworld.com/

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